Nuoc cham
Name of our signature cocktail?
What % of our menu is GF
What are the names of our founders?
How many hours is the broth simmered for
12 hours
What 2 types of noodle can you get in our soups?
Bun or pho
What is halal on our menu?
All the chicken including the chicken broth
What year was pho founded?
What side sauce do you get when ordering a spicy beef?
Shrimp paste
Name our 2 Vietnamese beers
Hanoi and Saigon
What is the name of our 'fake' meat supplier?
How many restaurants do we now have? (not including dark kitchens)
What are our 4 main soup broths?
Beef, Chicken, Veg and spicy veg
Where is our 3rd asian beer from if not vietnam
What is the broth base to the bun rieu/ crab noodle soup
Chicken broth
Name all the ops managers
Jo, Fran, Dan, Anna, Alessia, Agne, Chelsea, Daria, Lubos, Mirka and Ewan