This game was a ps3 exclusive that boasted a server size of 256 players in one match.
What is MAG
Based off of Clive Barkers work, this squad based horror fps received middling reviews.
What is Jericho
What is the full title of the King Kong game for Xbox 360.
Peter Jacksons King Kong official Game of the Movie
This console was an offshoot of the Gameboy Advance and made in small quantities.
Gameboy Micro
What does ADIDAS stand for
All Day I Dream About Sports
This ps3 game was based on a tactical military TPS but was made online only for this specific title.
What is SOCOM Confrontation
The Character Alma is the goddess of destruction in what game?
Saw had 2 games made by this popular game company.
Who is Konami
How many Yakuza Games are there in the mainline series released in the US
This game was a reboot of a franchise that originally was a top down game, was turned into an fps that was a major failure.
What is Shadowrun
What is the name of the last Clock Tower game.
Night Cry
How many Dead Rising games are there?
How many ps3 models were there?
This game is based on the Transformers IP made by Platinum Games
Transformers Devastation.
This Need For Speed Game is deemed completely useless thanks to the garbage online. therefore the making the single player completely unusable
NFS The Run
This Resident Evil game was made only for the gameboy color.
What is Resident Evil Gaiden
This Tekken game had the movie Tekken Blood Vengeance bundled with it.
What is Tekken Hybrid
This soda company made an exclusive console variant for the xbox.
Who is Mountain Dew
Tomatos are what kind of food
A Fruit
This game made by EA released in 2020 was an 3v3 arena type shooter that was seemingly abandoned a year into development
What is Rocket Arena
This cancelled game was based off the game PT but was taken down numerous times by Konami due to them taking legal action.
What is Alyson Road
This fps set you in a prison trying to escape and do tasks for other inmates and received rave reviews.
What is Riddick.
Fred Durst Signed 300 of these consoles before they released, making them a collectors item
Sega Dreamcast
Uwe Boll is who?
A film director