Name a character from Smite
saample text
Portal and Mirror's Edge
What is the most popular indie game of all time?
I like lying.
Among Us
What was the first game that Valve ever created?
What are the names of the Portal 2 coop Robots?
Atlas and P-Body
What game is BFG Division from?
Doom 2016
What was the first game created by Supergiant Games?
The game is fun, but I can't eat the beans.
Fall Guys
What's the name of the ship from the original Halo?
Pillar of Autumn
Which of these 4 characters do not appear in Mortal Kombat?
Rambo, RoboCop, Leatherface or Harley Quinn?
What is the name of this song?
Spider Dance
Who created Stardew Valley?
Become god at 3 in the morning.
Risk of Rain 2
What was the last weapon balance update to TF2 Answer
Jungle Inferno
In COD Zombies, who are the four main characters in Black Ops 2's Victis crew?
Stulinger, Marleton, Russman, Misty
What game is this song from?
Lisa the Painful
What are the four classes in Deep Rock Galactic?
Driller, Engineer, Gunner and Scout
Greatest comeback in gaming.
No Man's Sky
What system was the original Super Mario Bros on
Famicon and the NES
How many playable characters are there in Payday 2?
22 (Dallas, Chains, Hoxton, Wolf, Houston, John Wick, Clover, Dragan, Jacket, Bonnie, Sokol, Jiro, Bodhi, Jimmy, Sydney, Rust, Scarface, Sangres, Duke, Ethan, Hila, Joy)
What game is this song from?
How many animatronics can you select in FNAF Ultimate Custom Night?
This story is hands down one of the best from a video game. Just a masterpiece.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Who is the worst character in Super Smash Bros Melee?
Bowser or Kirby