TV Shows

this animal likes to jump around  you can have it as a pet and it can be found in the wild it like eat carrots letteuce parsley and hay

what is rabbit/bunny


this is a christmas tradition some people decorate it and people put presents under it sometimes its big and sometimes it can be small

what is christmas tree


this tv show is great for toddlers to watch when they are bored it has puppys that the boss calls pups and the boss isnt called boss he is called ryder

what is pawpatrol


a movie where there is a kid home alone and he has to defend him slef from robbers that try to break in

what is home alone


this is a sport where you kick a ball around trying to get it in the net while there are goaileis protecting the net there are also postions

what is soccer


this animal alot of people have it as a pet this animal barks and sometimes its fluffy and cute there are diffrent breeds

what is dog/puppy


people love to do this as a tradtion and kids love it it can be bought or made for family and it goes  underneth somewhere

what is presents


In a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another

what is famiy guy


a movie where these small creatures go on an adventure to help mini gru get his amlut back but auto trades the amlut for a rock

what is the minoins 


a sport where you are on ice on skates and you have sticks you have to use your sticks to get the puck past the goailie in the net to score

what  is hockey


this animal some people have it as a pet it likes to jump around and it like to  climb 

what is cat


this is a tradition that kids love they come around every december 1st and everyday they have a new spot

what is elves


this is a tv show some people love it because it is so fun to watch it is horror

what is stranger things


In 1895, Dracula builds a resort in Transylvania, hidden from the humans, to raise his beloved daughter Mavis in a safe environment

what is hotel transilviana


a sport where you are on one side of the net and you have to keep the ball away from your side you can jump and dive

what is volley ball


this animal is in the wild you can have it as a pet but most people dont it likes to chirp

what is bird


this is a game some people or kids do to pick a name and give a gift to that someone

what is secret santa


this tv show has people with yellow skin and some of the charectours are bart and lisa

what is simpsons


Raised as an oversized elf, Buddy travels from the North Pole to New York City to meet his biological father, Walter Hobbs

what is elf


a sport where you have to run a sertant distance at your full speed to win the race

what is track n feild


this animal is found in the woods

what is bear


this is a traiton that familys do on christmas day

what is christmas dinner 


this show has deadly challenges

what is squid games


In full-color adaptations, he is typically colored yellow green. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff, overlooking the town of Whoville.

what is grinch


this is a sport where you have to run a sertant distance not at your full speed but your not allowed to walk

what  is cross country