Brain / otak
Spinal cord/medulla spinalis

Sebutkan pembagian susunan saraf dengan lengkap ! Mention the divisions of the nervous system!

•Somatic ( Voluntary) Nervous System

•Autonomic ( Inovluntary) Nervous System


•Central Nervous System (CNS) ; brain and medulla spinails

•Peripheral Nervous System (PNS ) ; cranial nerve and spinal nerve


Berapa jumlah saraf spinalis pada thoracal ?

12 saraf saraf torakal (T1-T12)


Area asosiasi di otak yang berperan dalam pengambilan keputusan (decision making). Association areas in the brain that play a role in decision making.

Area Asosiasi Prefrontal                                                                     




Sebutkan jenis sel neuroglia ! Name the types of neuroglial cells!

Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Microglial cells, Schwann cells, Ependymal cells


Lokasi persilangan tractus pyramidalis ! Location of the junction of the tractus pyramidalis!

Dekusasio piramidum


Area di otak yang diaktifkan oleh reward dan punishment ! Areas in the brain that are activated by reward and punishment!

Limbic area

Sebutkan area di otak yang berperan dalam persepsi sensasi ! Name the areas in the brain that play a role in the perception of sensations!

Lobus Parietalis


Sebutkan traktus decending pada medulla spinalis ! 
Name the descending tracts in the spinal cord!

Pyramidalis (corticospinal tracts, corticobulbar tract) and extrapyramidal tract (vestibulospinal tract, rubrospinal tract, reticulospinal tract, Tectospinal tract)


Area di otak yang terganggu jika seseorang mengalami motorik aphasia. Areas of the brain that are disturbed if someone experiences motor aphasia.

area broca

Penyakit yang timbul akibat rendahnya produksi dopamin pada nukleus basalis. A disease that happens due to low dopamine production in the basal nucleus.



Traktus sensorik yang membawa nosiseptif, suhu, sentuhan kasar, dan tekanan dari kulit kita ke area somatosensori di talamus. Sensory tracts that carry nociception, temperature, rough touch, and pressure from our skin to the somatosensory areas of the thalamus.

Spinothalamic tract


Proses memindahkan memori jangka pendek ke dalam simpanan memori jangka panjang disebut apa ? The process of transferring and fixing short-term memory traces into long-term memory stores is known as what?


