COD is short for _.
Call of Duty.
Thousands of bands and artists pay respect to this great musicians death. AKA The Professor.
Neil Peart.
Do you need some ointment for that?
Jimmy Fallan wathes this baseball game after he loses Drew Barrymore in Fever Pitch.
The Buckner Game!?!
Sam and _, Cheers.
Mario‘s brother.
Despite all odds against them, this hair band recently got back together. We should get them flowers.
Guns N’ Roses.
A fender bender is a car _.
“He‘s not. Dead, you are scared and we all are, but TAKE IT BACK!” Says this brother of Georgie Denbrough in IT.
Chandler and _, Friends.
Instead of actually learning something in music, you can play this game with a instrument controller and colored buttons.
Guitar hero.
Ozzy Osborne was recently in a collab track with this modern hip hop star.
Post Malone.
I be getting that money, or _.
The lead singer of this band wants the world to know he is “not in love” it’s probably just a silly phase he’s going through.
JD and _, Scrubs.
This anime based game forced people to exercise.
Pokémon GO!
Even though Kurt Cobain is dead, Nirvana was put into the hall of fame where Dave Grohl and this woman buried the hatchet in the hole.
Courtney Love.
Quicksilver grabs you’re neck so you don’t get this, also a Metallica song.
This Journey song says “They’ll be someone else, I keep telling myself.”
Ill be alright without you.
Dwight and _, The Office.
This brand that makes sports games says “Its in the game!”
EA sports.
This alt. Rock group dropped the microphone at the awards after “R U Mine?” Stole the crowd, as the lead singer screams “You can try all you want but, you can’t kill rock n’ roll“.
Arctic monkeys.
He did the monster _.
Envy Adams broke this main characters heart, so he dates a high schooler.
Scott Pilgrim.
Ferb and _, Phinias and Ferb.