what did aaron say to the egg
WHich came first banana or banana
how to activate a beacon
emerald blocks
wat did ur mom marry
ur dad
Is aaron smart
what do you say to the egg
I see you are a chicken
what would happen if you placed a banana in gymastics
you get a banana split!
what is the first step of speedrunning
get wood
wut is ur crush
are you sure
Wat is aaron's side , dark or light
do you like eggs
What did the human say to the apple and banana
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas
what is the strongest mob
what is the god of love in greek mythology
Wat element does aaron have in my game
which came first the chicken or the earth
whart are bananas
yellow fruits
what is the strongest tool
enchanted bow or enchanted netherite sword
Wat is allen's crush
What does aaron look like
big nose , brown eyes , black fur
What are the types of eggs
boiled , raw , scrambled , and chicken
Which are the types of banana
rotten , normal , green
What is the strongest block except bedrock
end portal frame
What is your biggest secret
You have a crush
How many brain cells do aaron have