Classic Leaague

The seventh instalment of this series just released a remake

What is Final Fantasy


This was the first title to bring the famous red cap mustachio hero into 3d

Super Mario 64


Build an empire that will stand the test of time in this series with Sid Meier's name

What is Civilization


Dances from this popular game include the Orange Justice, the Default Dance and of course Flossing

What is Fortnite


All champions fall between these two alphabetically 

Who are Aatrox and Zyra


This loot oriented game series sees classes such as Monk, Amazon and Wizard fight against the devil

What is Diablo


This hyperbolic hedgehog loves eating chilli dogs and running fast.

Who is Sonic the Hedgehog


This real time strategy Sci-Fi game remains one of the most popular competitive games in South Korea.

What is Starcraft

Hide from the seekers by turning into inanimate objects in this Gary's Mod game

What is Prop Hunt


Feed a poro a poro snack as this champion, and they will grow a mustcache

Who is Braum


An aspiring trainer recieves one of these at 10 years old, the highest grossing franchise of all time.

What is Pokemon


This 2014 Indie title saw huge success and acclaim. The title character uses an nontraditional weapon to save his shield bearing love from The Enchantress 

Who is Shovel Knight


Aliens have conquered the earth. Lead your squad of soldiers to drive out the alien menace and save our planet. Good luck commander.

What is Xcom 2 (Xcom Enemy Unknown not accepted)


You play as a gelatenous fighter, fighting and kicking while avoiding the hazardous environment in this game developed by Boneloaf

What is Gang Beasts


This champion is named after Riot Game's Design Director Tom Cadwell

Who is Zilean (based on Tom Zileas Cadwell)


You'll need to build a good crew to save the Milky way galaxy from annihilation in this Sci-fi adventure.

What is Mass Effect


The titular character must save his friends from Gnasty Gnorc with the aid of his companion Sparx in this series of games.

What is Spyro


Entries in this game series have you lead during the early days of Rome and Feudal Japan. It's spinoff series includes fantasy elements, such as orcs.

What is Total War


The Demogorgon was added as a playable killer to this multiplayer survival horror game in September 2019.

What is Dead by Daylight


This champion has a skin that will sometimes say "Here's to you kid" in reference to a make a wish patient who favored the champion.

Who is Jax


Enemies encountered in this game include Abstract art, Big pile of puke and lil' UFO

What is Earthound


Raz must stop the evil Dr. Lobato from extracting the brains from his fellow campers in this game

What is Psychonauts


species of crew in this game include Human, Engi, Zoltan, Mantis, Rock, Slug, Lanius, and Crystal. Make sure your ship is fully prepared before jumping to the next waypoint in this 2012 Indie Classic

What is FTL: Faster Than Light

"You" is cut out from this freemium mobile game advertised by one of the most subscribed to youtubers.

What is Pewdiepie: Tuber Simulator


Fizz's ult can have three different sizes depending on the range it travels. ______ when traveling the shortest distance, ______ when traveling the medium distance and ______ when traveling the furthest distance.

What is Guppy Shark, Chomper Shark and Gigaladon Shark