How many different types of child abuse are there?
An officer must receive special training which focuses on the special needs of the victim
What are psychological and physiological
Refers to patterns of abusive behavior between family members or adults in an intimate relationship
Family violence
The forms of neglect
What are physical, emotional, and educational
One in 14 children have been physically abused
what is a statistic of physical abuse
Physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child
child abuse
The factors dictating legal punishment
what is state, age, involvement, presence of injury and criminal history
men are never victims of abuse and abuse only occurs in poorer or uneducated families
what are the misconceptions of family violence
what is the failure to provide a minimum degree of care?
Child Neglect
sexual abuse cases most commonly occur between ages eight to twelve
What is a statictics for sexual abuse
sexual abuse cases most commonly occur between ages
8 to 12
Officers must take follow specific procedures when dealing with violence to diffuse the situation
What is separate parties, confuct interview, observe scene, check for injuries
what are the common forms of family violence?
sexual, physical, emotional, financial, elder
Neglect is the failure to provide what
Food, appropriate clothing, supervision, home, necessary medical care
victims of bullying are twice as likely to consider suicide than non victims
What is a statistic for emotional abuse
Refers to language or behavior that damages a child’s mental well-being and self-esteem
Emotional abuse
The proper procedure officers take when dealing with violence to diffuse the situation
What is separate parties, conduct interviews, observe the scene, check for injuries
True or false? All women who are verbally abused are also physically abused
which form of neglect is the failure to accomplish enrollment of a child, necessary special education, prevent absences from school
Educational Neglect
approximately five children die every day as a result of?
child abuse
What does the term “psychological” mean?
emotional state
Used by a court to protect an individual in a situation involving any form of violence
what is a Protective Order
Jealousy, envy, financial issues, anger escalation, humiliation
what are the causes of family violence
Emotional Neglect
what is the failure to provide, emotional support, love/affection, psychological
Financial abuse occurs in _________ of abusive relationships
What is 98 percent