The ability to get someone to do something they would not do.
The third Monday of January every year is famously known for what.
M.L.K Day
He was gunned down by an assassin in his Indian Palace
Mahatma Gandhi
Not buying the product of business due to racism and injustice.
The most profound violence.
According to Gandhi Reform should start with whom/what
The Memphis Tennessee, Lorraine Motel is known for what?
M.L.K assassination
On April 4th, 1968 he was gunned down on the balcony at a motel.
Sitting in a restaurant and demanding change
Gandhi led this country to independence from British rule
The 3 Rs
Resistance, Reform, Redemption
M.L.K was famously known for having this
A Dream
On March 7th 1965 peaceful demonstrators were viciously attacked by police officers on horses as they tried to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge
Bloody Sunday
Rosa Parks arrested after refusing to give up her seat to to a white passenger sparked this event.
Montgomery Bus Boycott (lasted 381 days)
Gandhi lead his country to independence this year.
The 3 S’s
Self - Suffering, service, and simplicity
In the year of 1963 what widely attended event was held at The Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
M.L.K I Have a Dream Speech
On January 30th 1948 he was gunned down at the age of 78.
Mahatma Gandhi
Including Gandhi and King, whom also supported Non Violent Resistance
Nelson Mandela
M.L.K. Was Arrested many times throughout the duration of the civil rights movement, how many ?
29 times
A Nonviolent tactic did Gandhi develop that Americans used during the Civil Rights era
Sit ins
The “March on Washington” rally begin here
The Washington Monument
On January 30th, 1956, white supremacist bombed his house in Montgomery Alabama
M.L.K. House bombing
The psychological approach to Non Violence helps people overcome what?
Destructive Behavior
He traveled, lived, and worked in South Africa for more than 20 years
Mahatma Gandhi