"You should get yourself one of these"
(+100 if you can say who this was said to)
(+100 if you can what that person should get)
A laundry bag
What Wicked character did Ava's grandma say had striking features
Say not sorry in sign language
"This ain't cheesecake it's..."
(+100 9f you can say when this was said)
What is the name of the camp Tre' worked at over the summer?
Camp Boggy Creek
"How do you print in COLOR!!"
Where is Tre's favorite mole on her body?
Her right foot
Sing the TikTok song about 9/11
Name of the fattest bear on Earth and where he lives
Otis and heaven
What happened to Tre' on the first day of orientation?
(+100 if you can say who she told first)
She wore two different shoes
"I thought he didn't have a dad?"
What did Annie tie around her neck during Halloweekend?
A dinner napkin
Whose downfall is Sam praying on?
What part of Ava's body is always cold in Burwell?
Her pinky toes
What two movies did Makylah watch religiously while we were growing up?
The Titanic and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
"Ball not fall!!!"
How did Olivia get her boyfriend?
By pretending to be interested in sports/boy things
On a night out Tre' saw a mark on her leg and thought...
That somebody bit her
Who is Kyia's favorite musician?
Frank Sinatra
What is Tre's favorite type of sandwich?
"Was that under 30 seconds"
"Yea :)"
Who is the conversation between?
(+100 if you can say where it happened)
Annie and Evan
At the track field
What item did Brie and Tre both bring to school last year?
Texas Pete Hot Sauce
"I see you girl I know you see me"
Who was this said to
(+100 if you can say where)
At the row in Sig Nu
Who did we say Sam's twin was last year?
Lil Wayne
How many movies did Tre' need to watch before she could say that she's officially watched all of Timothee Chalamets's movies?
(+200 if you can name the movies)
Bones and All, and Beautiful boy