Fruit or Vegetable?
Final Jeopardy

What is a shovel?

A shovel is rounded, has a longer angled handle, and is used for digging/moving stuff. In the garden, that usually means moving gravel, soil, compost, etc. – not usually coal 😉 – digging larger holes or digging up larger plants where you need more leverage to get the rootball out of the ground.


What is a rose?

a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions. Numerous hybrids and cultivars have been developed and are widely grown as ornamentals.


a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and (typically) by being able to fly.

What are birds?


Fruit, Vegetable or Both? Cucumber

What is a cucumber?

Cucumbers are a type of edible plant that belongs to the gourd family. It's widely cultivated and makes a nutritious addition to any diet. Cucumber is usually considered a vegetable because of how it's used in the culinary world. However, as it grows from flowers and contains seeds, it's botanically a fruit


True or False?

Overcrowded plants are also more susceptible to pests and diseases

What is True?

“Could you please give me some space?” If plants could speak, these might well be the first words they utter out! Plants need space to thrive. Stems and leaves would only grow if they have space to expand into. Roots may get crowded and their growth could be stunted in a cramped space. Without enough room, you can expect your plants to be smaller in size as compared their counterparts. Overcrowded plants are also more susceptible to pests and diseases as the airflow might be limited in a small space.


What is a wheel barrel?

a small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear, used typically for carrying loads in building-work or gardening.


What is a sunflower?

a tall North American plant of the daisy family, with very large golden-rayed flowers. Sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds, which are an important source of oil for cooking and margarine.


a nectar-feeding insect with two pairs of large, typically brightly colored wings that are covered with microscopic scales. Butterflies are distinguished from moths by having clubbed or dilated antennae, holding their wings erect when at rest, and being active by day.

What are butterflies?


Fruit, Vegetable or Both? Apple

What is a fruit?

the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin red or green skin and crisp flesh. Many varieties have been developed as dessert or cooking fruit or for making cider.


True or False?

Polluted air can be harmful to plants

What is true?

Plants need carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis. And where does this carbon dioxide come from? The air, obviously! Plants ‘breathe in’ carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere as a part of photosynthesis process. Polluted air containing smoke, pollutants and other harmful gases restricts the ability of plants to inhale carbon dioxide from the air. Such air could prove to be harmful to them. It could also block sunlight, which as discussed before, is vital for a plant’s growth. 


What is a sprinkler? 

A sprinkler is a garden device that sprays water onto your grass or plants. You can attach a small lawn sprinkler to a hose in your yard when your flowers are looking droopy.

Sprinklers are mainly used to irrigate, or provide water, to plants. There are complex systems of sprinklers that can be installed in the ground for a large area, like a public park or an estate's acres of lawns. The more common type of sprinkler hooks up to a hose and can be moved wherever it's needed — including in the middle of a yard for kids to run through in their bathing suits.


What are daisies?

a small grassland plant that has flowers with a yellow disk and white rays. It has given rise to many ornamental garden varieties


a burrowing, gregarious, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail.

What are rabbits?


Fruit, Vegetable or Both? Potato

What is a vegetable?

a round vegetable that grows underground and has white flesh with light brown, red, or pink skin,


True or False?

The primary source of nutrients for a plant is soil in which it grows

What is True?

Like us humans, plants too need nutrients to grow and survive. The primary source of nutrients for a plant is the soil in which it grows. Primarily, plants need a healthy dose of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus whilst also requiring calcium, sulphur, and magnesium in small amounts. Nitrogen helps in making green leaves, phosphorus strengthens their roots and helps grow bigger flowers, and potassium is essential for fighting off diseases. Nutrients assume greater importance during fruit, flower, or vegetable production. If the soil isn’t rich enough, you can also use fertilizers to provide the plants with nutrients but caution against over-using them. Fertilizers should only be used as ‘dietary supplements’ and not as the sole source of nutrition. 


What are gardening gloves? 

Gardening gloves are gloves worn for the protection of your hands when doing garden and yard work. There are different kinds of gloves, depending on what your particular needs are. Gloves can keep your hands clean and, depending on their strength, may protect the hands from prickles, caustic substances, minor bites and sharp objects.


What are lilies?

a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem. Lilies have long been cultivated, some kinds being of symbolic importance and some used in perfumery.


an insect with four wings that is related to the wasps, gathers pollen and nectar from flowers from which it makes beebread and honey for food, and usually lives in large colonies.

What are bees?


Fruit, Vegetable or Both? Grapes

What is a fruit?

a berry, typically green (classified as white), purple, red, or black, growing in clusters on a grapevine, eaten as fruit, and used in making wine.


True or False?

Plants cant get to much sunlight

What is False?

If you remember your science class in school, you might recollect learning how plants use sunlight to perform photosynthesis – the process through which they synthesis nutrients and make ‘food’. This food, essentially sugars, provides it with the energy required to grow. When you deprive plants of sunlight, you are basically forcing them to observe a fast. Their leaves might die and their stems could grow leggy as they stretch themselves to search for the elusive sunlight. Such plants would also have fewer fruits and flowers. However, most plants do not require all-day exposure to sun; in fact, over-exposure to sun may burn their leaves. So make sure you regulate the amount of sunlight you expose your plants to 


What is a watering can?

a portable water container with a long spout and a detachable perforated cap, used for watering plants.


What are Tulips?

a bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly colored cup-shaped flowers.


any of a number of creeping or burrowing invertebrate animals with long, slender soft bodies and no limbs.

What are worms?


Fruit, Vegetable or Both? Tomato

What is both?

a glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit that is eaten as a vegetable or in salad.


True or False?

A plant cannot live without water

What is True?

A plant cannot live without water; as simple as that. Yes, there are some plants (for example succulents such as Aloe Vera, Jade plant, etc.) who actually require very little water to sustain themselves but even they would die if they are not provided with any water whatsoever for a period of time.

Plants need water to absorb the nutrients from the soil and move these nutrients through their body. When you water the plant near its roots, the nutrients in the soil around the roots dissolve in the water. The plant is able to absorb this nutrient-rich water through its roots and distribute it to various parts of its body. However, you must guard against overwatering – one of the most common habits of amateur gardeners and also one of the biggest reasons for plant deaths – because too much water could hinder the roots from getting the air that they need and cause the plant to suffocate and die.


True or false: Plants respond to sound

True: Plants really do respond to sound. Talking to plants to help them grow is a well-known old gardeners tale, but studies have shown vibration (like music, or perhaps even the sweet sound of your voice) can affect plant growth. Plus, the Myth Busters (in an admittedly not-so-scientific study), compared a silent greenhouse to one where they piped in a voice soundtrack, and found that plants in the latter grew more.