Classroom Strategies
Adult Regulation
District Policy
Garfield Way

A student is talking over your instructions. You walk towards their desk to encourage the talking to stop. What classroom strategy is this?



A student does the thing that "presses your button." You take a deep breath, imagine you're on a beach, and tell yourself it's almost the weekend. What emotional regulation strategy is this?

Practice relaxation skills.

Who is in charge at school?



Which is a group I behavior?

a. tardy

b. forgery

c. stealing

a. tardy


What do students need when they are in the hallway by themselves?

A pass. 


A student stands up and starts dancing, distracting everyone around them. You give them the famous "look." The student sits down immediately. What classroom strategy is this?

Nonverbal signals/cues


A student shouts out the answer instead of raising their hand. You clearly state that the student should raise their hand before you acknowledge their answer and call on a student who is raising their hand. What emotional regulation strategy is this?

Be brief


Life Rule #1: It's never okay to be ________, it is okay to be ______. 

1. Hurtful

2. Kind


Which is a group II behavior?

a. failure to adhere to the approved dress code?

b. Possession Exhibition and/or Distribution of Obscene Material 

c. Vandalism 

b. Possession Exhibition and/or Distribution of Obscene Material


TRUE OR FALSE: There is crumpled-up paper on the floor. It is the janitor's job the pick it up. 

FALSE! Students and adults are responsible for taking care of the Garfield building.


A student is visibly upset and is unable to participate in the lesson temporarily. You give the student the choice to go to the safe seat or to the buddy room. What classroom strategy is this?

Provide Choice 


A student is talking back to you. You maintain personal space and keep your hands at your side rather than squaring off with the student. What emotional regulation strategy is this?

Relax your body

Life Rule #2: It is never okay to be ______; it is okay to be a _________.

1. disruptive

2. learner


Which is a group III behavior?

a. Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol

b. Fighting 

c. Causing Serious Physical Injury to Learner or Staff

a. Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol 

*Group III behaviors may be reported to local law enforcement and district security depending on the severity of the behavior


TRUE OR FALSE: The student can get up at any time when they are eating lunch in the cafeteria. 

FALSE! The student must remain seated unless they have permission from an adult to get out of their seat. 

A student decides to play video games on their computer instead of completing their required iReady lessons. At the end of the week they do not receive their weekly incentive for passing their lessons. What classroom strategy is this?
Logical Consequence

A student insults you. You want to insult them back but you choose to respectfully give a private correction instead. What emotional regulation strategy is this?

Keep it respectful


What is goal for life #1?

I can have an overwhelming feeling and still make good choices. 


Which is a group IV behavior?

a. Possession and/or Use of a Firearm

b. Bullying -- Physical, Verbal, or Cyber

c. Inciting to Fight/Contributing to a Disruptive Situation  

b. Bullying -- Physical, Verbal, or Cyber

*Group IV behaviors may be reported to local law enforcement and district security depending on the severity of the behavior. 



  1. True

  2. Helpful

  3. Inspirational

  4. Necessary

  5. Kind


2 students are turned around and talking in line. The student in front of them is facing forward and holding up the silent signal. You praise that student for their leadership and the other two students model their behavior. What is this classroom strategy?

Ignore, Attend, Praise


A student flips a desk and you can't help but cry. You know you need support in this moment. You call the office and ask for someone to come to your class so you can take a 5-minute breather. What emotional regulation strategy is this?

Ask for help OR take a moment


What is goals for life #2 and #3?

#2: I can be okay even if others are not okay.

#3: I can do something even if I don’t want to (or if it is hard).


Which is a group V behavior?

a. Possession and/or Use of Tobacco or Tobacco-like Products

b. Use of Abusive, Obscene, Offensive or Profane Language

c. Possession and/or Use of a Firearm

c. Possession and/or Use of a Firearm 

*For group V behaviors, learners may be referred to the Discipline Office upon the first occurrence of any Group V behavior. Any of these behaviors may be reported to local law enforcement agency depending on the severity of the behavior. The behavior must be reported to district security.



  1. Hands to yourself, empty

  2. One step behind

  3. Mouths Off

  4. Nose and Toes Forward

  5. Always on Line