When other students or the teacher has the floor what is expected from you?
Listen and don't interrupt
What is a procedure?
A routine and not a rule.
When in the hallway without a teacher what do you need to have with you?
A Hall Pass
Where are students supposed to sit in the cafeteria?
Students are supposed to sit with their class.
When the teacher is talking, what should you be doing?
Eyes on her and Mouth shut
What are students expected to completed immediately upon entering the classroom?
Where do you turn in HW assignments?
At the beginning of class leave it at the top left corner of your desk.
When transitioning through the hallway in general what is expected of you?
No Talking - SILENCE
When are students are allowed to go to the bathroom?
Designated blocks
emergency with a pass
How should I treat other students in the class?
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
How do you get permission to talk or get out of your seat?
Raise your hand
Pencil Procedure - If you need to BORROW a pencil what do you do?
Sign out the pencil on the clipboard provided by the supply table.
If you are Timed-Out, what must you bring to your new location?
Time-Out slip and a assignment
When waiting in line in the cafeteria, how should you behave?
No playing and no bunching up.
If you are late, what should you do?
Bring tardy slip to class and drop it off on teacher desk with name, date and time listed.
The teachers expect students to do what when it comes to assignments?
Do your best
Do not complain
Complete all assignments
Make-Up Work - Where can students get work they missed in class?
Make-Up work will be in folders on the back of the door.
True or False: When walking in the hallway students need to stay in a straight line with no talking and keep your hands and feet to yourself.
When the teacher takes the class to the bathroom, how many are allowed to go in at one time.
No more then 3
You can respect your teachers time by doing what to all assignments.
Students are expected to come to class with what supplies?
Pen/Pencil and Paper
When the teacher wants your attention what will she say and what are you to say back?
Thumbs up - Listen up
How will students be dismissed into the hallway?
Students will be dismissed in rows or sections?
Don't make a mess and put up all trash.
True/False: Students can go behind the teacher's desk for any reason.