What is Garrett's date of birth
September 23, 2001
What is Garrett's favorite liquor
What does Garrett need to see every day to not go crazy
The sun
What activity eats all of Garrett's free time
Steel bridge
How many sisters does Garrett have (name them)
Ina, Grace, Erin
What does Garrett want the vacation house to be
Cabin in the mountains
What is Garrett's favorite meal of the day
Breakfast, especially if it's for dinner
How many sports has Garrett been on a team for (name them)
Soccer, track, lacrosse
(Honorable mentions: tennis and softball)
How many theme parks does Garrett have an annual pass for (name them)
Universal, Disney, Busch Gardens
What animals did Garrett grow up with
Dogs, chickens, pigs, steers, fish
How many kids does Garrett want
Boy, than two girls
Who is Garrett's favorite musical artist
Mac Miller
What movie inspired Garrett's outdoors enjoyment
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
What material are the models Garrett enjoys to make
Metal (favorite) and wood
What are the names of Garretts dogs (name them)
Brekin and Zoe
How many jobs has Garrett had (name them)
Big red barn, bed and breakfast, movie theater, camp counselor, Sprouts, RWC, TA, PGA
What is Garrett's favorite tropical bird
What main travel location is on Garrett's bucket list
Bali, Indonesia
What is Garrett's favorite video game
The Witness
Where did Garrett's parents meet
The library at Illinois State University
What is Garrett's dream job title
(Professional Engineer)
What is Garrett's favorite meat
Where is Garrett's dream location to camp
Joshua Tree
What did Garrett get, and start collecting, after each dentist appointment until college
Bouncy balls
What temperature was the house where Garrett grew up in