The Jacket
Growing Up
Seventh Grade
Marble Champ
Gary Soto

Who is the main character in The Jacket? 

Gary Soto (first person POV)


Who is the main character of Growing Up?

Maria, who is in 10th grade.
Who is the main character in Seventh Grade? 



Who is the main character of Marble Champ?

Lupe Medrano


Where and when was Gary Soto born?

April 12, 1952

Fresno, California


What is the conflict of the passage?

Gary was given an ugly jacket and believes that terrible things happen because of it. 


What is the conflict Maria is experiencing in Growing Up?

Maria wants to be treated like an adult and does not want to go with her family on vacation. When she does stay home, she becomes very worried and does not enjoy her freedom at all. 

What is Victor's conflict? 
Victor takes a French course to try and impress a girl (Teresa) but ends up embarrassing himself.  

What is the conflict of Marble Champ?

Lupe wants to be good at sports but isn't athletically inclined like her classmates, so she starts to train at marbles to become decent at a sport.


What is the name of the Gary Soto's wife? 

Carolyn Oda


What type of jacket did Gary want?

Gary wanted a leather jacket that had studs on it to make him look like a biker. 

Why does Maria and her father get into an argument?

Maria is being rude and her father thinks that she is a spoiled child who does not appreciate what he does for them, like take them on vacation. 
What is the name of the French teacher in Seventh grade? 

Mr. Bueller.

How does Lupe overcome her conflict in Marble Champ?

Lupe trains at the game marbles for weeks by doing exercises and plays against other kids before a competition. 


Who was the primary demographic (audience) of Gary Soto's works? 

Children and young teens; Mexican Americans


Provide two examples of how the jacket affects Gary's life.

He was failed his math quiz

He had no girls during those three years

He was bullied on the playground


How does Maria's attitude about her family change over the course of the short story? 

Maria is first grateful to be by herself, but then worries about her family when she hears about a car accident on the news. When they finally get home, Maria is angry that they had so much fun without her and didn't apologize for her being so angry. 


Why does Michael and Victor scowl (frown/ look angry) at other people during their first days of class? 

Michael convinced Victor that it makes them look cool and that all the girls like it when they look like that. 


What two characters encourage Lupe to overcome her conflict? 

Her brother and father. 


Why did Gary Soto write and publish his novels? 

Gary wanted to represent Mexican Americans in literature so young Mexican Americans felt seen and understood in what they read. 


What is the theme of the passage? 

Things that we dislike at first can become special to us overtime.

What is the theme of the passage "Growing Up"?

Most teenagers are not ready for the independence of adulthood.  


What is the theme of Seventh Grade 

You should be honest when trying to make impressions.

What is the theme of Marble Champ? 

Goal can be met through dedication and hard work.


What was the first novel Gary Soto published?

The Elements of San Juaquin (1977)