Who is responsible for grading a leak?
Trained and qualified individual
What is the definition of a leak grade?
The system used to define the seriousness of a leak.
What is the procedure for patrolling pipelines?
Observe surface conditions on and adjacent to the transmission and distribution ROWs for indications of leaks, construction activity and other factors affecting safety.
What does FI stand for? And what do we call that equipment?
Flame Ionization = Southern Cross
How often are Business District Surveys completed?
Yearly, not to exceed 15 months.
What are the criteria for grading a leak?
Location, amount of gas read, pressure, type of surfacing, soil conditions, potential spread and proximity to other underground facilities
What is the explosive limit?
Natural gas is 4-15% gas in air
What should employees be looking for when completing a survey or patrol?
All employs should be aware of tampering, vandalism or damage, activities on industrial sites and abnormal or unusual conditions.
How often do we calibrate the equipment?
A) LZ30
C) Southern Cross
A) Daily
B) Monthly
C) Daily
D) Daily
At what speed should you survey on the mobile leak detection?
2-5 mph
What is a grade 3 leak?
A leak that is not hazardous at the time of detection and can reasonably expected to remain non-hazardous.
What is a bar hole?
Bar Hole is a hole made in the ground for the purpose of testing the atmosphere below the ground level with a CGI.
Give five examples of AOCs:
Examples: New construction, demolition, excavations, fire, dead vegetation, indication of leaks, flooding, gas odor, mission of damaged line markers, soil erosion, overgrown vegetation
What do we have to use if you need to remotely access the area of survey or patrol? (Example: dog in the yard or gates locked)
RMLD or LZ30
Are below grade entrances for gas acceptable?
No. We should be looking for these and creating service requests to have them replaced with an above ground entrance.
What is a grade 2 leak?
A leak that is recognized as being non-hazardous at the time of detection but justifies scheduled repair based on probable and future hazard.
What is a hazardous leak?
A leak that represents an existing or probable hazard to persons or property and requires immediate repair until the conditions are no longer hazardous.
What equipment do you need to grade a leak?
CGI- the only equipment that can help you grade a leak
60/40 nitrogen/hydrogen
If leaking gas has ignited, what grade is that?
Grade 1
What is a grade 1 leak?
A leak that presents an existing or probable hazard to persons or property and requires immediate repair or continuous action until the conditions are no longer hazardous.
What is a Business District?
A) The principal areas in an urban community.
B) Areas where the public regularly congregates.
C) Areas where gas or other underground facilities are congested continuous wall-to-wall pavement
D) Any other area in judgement of the operator should be so designated.
What do you do if you discover and unintentional release of gas during your patrol or survey?
A) Evacuate the area if necessary
B) Secure the scene
C) Contact emergency services and notify Supervisor
D) Monitor the area until help arrives
Which pieces of our leak detection equipment are intrinsically safe?
CGI and LZ30
Is a blowing relief reportable to the fire marshal?
No, because it's still considered "controlled"