Nursing Assessment
Diagnostic Tests
Peptic Ulcer Disease

This CLASSIFICATION of medication inhibits gastric acid secretion by blocking H2 receptors.

What are Histamine 2 receptor blockers? Bonus: Give me an example.


This range of numbers is considered a normal BMI.

What is 18.5 - 29.9


During this PROCEDURE, the client will need to drink a chalky substance and then X-Rays are done while the chalky substance moves through the GI tract.

What is a barium swallowing study?


This BACTERIUM is the primary cause of PUD.

What is H. pylori?


People belonging to this CULTURE believe that there are "hot" diseases and therefore should be treated with "cold" foods.

What are Mexican Americans? Bonus: What are "cold" foods?


I am an example of a Proton Pump Inhibitor.

What are Dexlansoprazole, omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole


While assessing the abdomen of the patient, the nurse should do THIS first before auscultating.

What is inspect/inspecting?


The HCP may order these LABS if she suspects a client may have pancreatitis.

What is amylase and lipase?


The client will experience high left epigastric pain after eating a meal with THIS type of ulcer.

What is a gastric ulcer?


An elderly client could have faulty absorption of THESE VITAMINS/MINERALS.

What are b1, b12, calcium, and iron?


You will need to take me in order to treat H. pylori. A simple PPI will not do the trick.

What is an antibiotic? (Amoxil, Biaxin)


This assessment technique can be done to detect fluid, air, and masses in the abdomen.

What is percussion?


Following a liver biopsy, a client should remain on their _______ side for a least 2 hours with a rolled towel under the site to provide pressure and prevent bleeding.

What is right side?


This PROCEDURE can be done to diagnose PUD because it provides direct visualization of the upper GI tract.

What is an EGD?


This SECTION OF THE BRAIN helps regulate the intake of food by stimulating a person to eat and signaling to stop eating.

What is the hypothalamus?


This medication used to treat PUD can have terrible side effects such as drowsiness and parkinsonism?

What is Metoclopramide (Reglan). Bonus: What is it's classification? 


When a client has gallbladder disease, the nurse may note this appearance in the client due to the high bilirubin.

What is jaundice?


Nuclear scans of the GI tract can be done if the HCP suspects ________ and/or _________ disease.

What are liver and gallbladder?


Someone with PUD should avoid these IRRITANTS.

What are caffeine, smoking, and alcohol?


The nurse may observe THIS COLOR stool in clients with liver or gallbladder disease.

What is pale or clay-colored stools?


This medication used to treat PUD should be administered on an empty stomach, one hour before meals and at bedtime.

What is sucralfate (Carafate)? Bonus: What is it's classification?


You will need this MEDICAL EQUIPMENT in order to better assess the oral cavity.

What is a penlight and/or tongue depressor?


This MEDICAL TERM is used when describing fatty stool.

What is steatorrhea?


A client with PUD should be on this TYPE OF DIET.

What is bland? Bonus: give me examples of foods to avoid.


This MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS is given to a patient that has an inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

What is acute gastritis?