Study Abroad
Time Management & Study Habits
Significance of Experiential Learning Opportunities
UC Merced Resources
Resumes and Professionalism

This type of person can study abroad during their time at UC Merced.

What is a student?


This contributes to balancing and having a less stressful lifestyle.

What is time management?

What are study habits? (Also acceptable)


This is learning from experience or learning by doing.

What is experiential learning?


This is one of the more known research programs that undergraduate students have access to.

What is UROC (undergraduate research opportunities center)?


You should always bring a physical copy of this when going to interview.

What is a resume?


This program offers 170 program options in 40+ different countries at 101 different universities.


  • IOP

  • UCSA

What is UCEAP?

UC Education Abroad Program


Places where you can study on campus.

What is library, ADMIN, SSM, SSB, GRAN, GLCR, Sentinel Rock

(Any of these are acceptable.)


Having experiences with clubs/organizations, jobs, expanding connections and/or having a good resume can make you a _____ applicant.

What is competitive?


This academic resource focuses on helping SSHA students through peer led group study sessions for various classes

What is the Peer Lead Undergraduate Study Center (PLUS Center)


These are a mix of communication skills, social skills and personal traits. They allow you to empathize.

What are Soft Skills?


This is one of the more affordable places outside of the U.S. that is under UCEAP.

  • South Africa

  • Thailand

  • Mexico

  • S.Korea

  •  Sweden

  • Argentina/Chile

What is Sweden?


Name at least 2 elements that contribute to work-life balance.

Any of these answers:

Work, family, health, friends, fun.


Assisting in park clean ups, homeless shelter, Mercy Medical Center, or the USDA Food Distribution is considered…

What is community service?

What is volunteering?

(Both Accepted)


This resource helps students explore ways to get involved on campus, develop new leadership skills, and engage in meaningful experiences that will prepare them for the opportunities of tomorrow.

What is the Office of Student Involvement?

OSI accepted as well.


This is a place on campus where you can access professional clothing for a certain amount of time when renting it.

What is the Clothing Closet?


This program offers application deadlines to be extended (or due later) and is more flexible.


  • IOP

  • UCSA

What is IOP?

International Opportunities Program


Name the 3 main centers where you can receive extra help, tutoring and guidance.

STEM Center, PLUS Center, and Writing Center

Also Accepted: Bright Success Center, Bobcat Advising Center 


Showcases a student’s knowledge using their coursework in their chosen field of study.

What are capstone projects?


This resource supports mental health and well being of students through group sessions and individual counseling with professionals in the psychology field. 

What is CAPS (Counseling and Professional Services)


A short statement that uses active language to describe your relevant work experience and skills. 

What is a resume summary?


This program allows all course work to be UC, would be counted in UC GPA and will be on your transcript.


  • IOP

  • UCSA

What is UCEAP?

UC Education Abroad Program


This theory says, “if one does not constantly utilize the information that they have learned, that information will fade away and be forgotten by the brain”.

  • Taxonomic Theory

  • Decay Theory

  • Cognitive Theory

What is Decay Theory?


The 3 step process of the learning and memory process is _____.

What is encoding, storage, retrieval?


This program provides assistance to students to obtain financial grants, work-study, and loan funds when attending higher education. 

What is FAFSA?

(REMINDER to submit your application ASAP!)


This is the acronym for STAR

What is Situation, Task, Action, Result.