Narrator of the book
Nick Carraway
The eyes of God
Tom has an apartment here
What does Owl-Eyes find so interesting about Gatsby's library?
The books are real
Why does Gatsby allow Daisy to drive his car?
She wants to calm her nerves after a tense lunch.
racist man who comes from money
Tom Buchanan
season of dying
Where there is a green light at the end of a dock
Buchanan's mansion
What is unusual about Wolfshiem's outfit?
Jay Gatsby is definitely...
A bootlegger
the "boarder" who wants his shoes
represents the boiling point of the story, the climax
summer heat
Most people frequent, but were not invited
Gatsby's Mansion
Who was driving the "death car"?
Who changed Gatsby's life forever, inspiring him that he could become rich and powerful someday?
Dan Cody
character identified with the green light at the end of the dock
Daisy Buchanan
Gatsby uses these to impress Daisy
East Egg
What does Gatsby do the night that Myrtle was killed?
He waits outside Daisy's window until she goes to sleep
Where did Gatsby originally say he was from?
San Francisco
the only person to attend the funeral besides Nick and Mr. Gatz
represents false purity throughout the novel
the color white
Where the 5 principle people in the story come from
At the opening lunch scene, what has Tom so concerned?
That minorities are rising in social status
Who said "Do you always watch for the longest day of the year then miss it? I always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it."
Daisy Buchanan