What was Vincents job prior to becoming a borrowed ladder?



What place did Jerome get on the podium? 

Second place


This editing technique in Gattaca helps to build tension and highlight the meticulous nature of the characters' actions, often involving quick cuts and close-ups.

Fast-paced editing


The use of this color palette in Gattaca helps to create a cold, clinical atmosphere, reinforcing the themes of conformity and control.

Monochromatic color scheme — which includes muted blues


This recurring image in Gattaca, seen in various locations such as the walls and floors, symbolizes the pervasive control and the push for conformity within the genetically stratified society

Spiral staircase


What is distinct about the piano player that Vincent and Irene went to see?

The piano man has 12 fingers (6 on each)


What is Jerome's middle name?


What is "chicken"?

A game that Vincent and his brother Anton played where they would swim out of the ocean as far as they could until one of them 'chickens' out and swims back to shore.


This term is used to describe the practice of assigning individuals roles and status based on their genetic makeup.

genetic discrimination


What is needed during an interview at Gattaca?

A urine sample 


What planet was Vincent planning to travel to? 



Jerome Morrow’s initial regression (in response to societal pressures) is symbolized by his reliance on this item, which represents his fall from his previously elite status to a life of dependence and struggle.

His wheelchair 


What is the technique used to juxtapose Vincent's dreams with his reality to highlight his emotional and psychological journey.

Flashbacks with the use of warm amber lighting.


When Irene and Vincent are running away from the restaurant after it is occupied by Detective Hugo and his team, Irene says she "can't do that". What is she referring to and why? 

Irene cannot run too fast due to her likelihood of heart failure. 


Who says this “He suffered under a different burden, the burden of perfection", and who were they talking about?

Vincent says it about Jerome


What are two pieces of evidence that pointed towards an 'in-valid' as the murderer? 

An eyelash left near the crime scene and used cups found by sorting out the cleaners trash. 


Jerome Morrow’s ultimate decision to assist Vincent Freeman, despite his own setbacks, reflects this form of character development, showcasing his move from despair to a sense of purpose

Personal redemption


Why was Vincent named Vincent Anton and not Anton?

His father, Antonio wanted a son without genetic flaws and a longer life expectancy to inherit his name. 


Who said “We have to ensure that people are meeting their potential”? 

Director Josef


What motivates people to do genetic screening?

People do genetic screening in order to eliminate diseases and other pre-disposing conditions and to select gender and other characteristics within their child so that they may be healthy and physically attractive. 

As we learn in the film, it also determines job and social status therefore parents choose the best genes to ensure the best future.


What five things did Vincent do daily to maintain his identity as Jerome Morrow?

- Scrub his skin to remove as much dead skin
- Wears a false fingertip loaded with a sample of Jerome's blood
- Takes a pouch filled with Jeromes urine
- Puts on eye contacts to match his eye colour to Jerome
- Prepares vials of Jeromes skin flakes and hair samples to sprinkle about his spotless workstation


What is one benefit and one negative being Jerome or anyone of a high DNA sequence that is portrayed in the movie? 

-More opportunities and career choices = more freedom
-Physically attractive

-Burden of perfection/Living up to societal expectations of you


The film's exploration of a future controlled by genetic determinism reflects concerns about this era's advancements in genetic science and the ethical debates that arose during the 1990s.

The Human Genome Project


What are three things that Gattaca does to ensure people are meeting their potentials? (Also used to control individuals in society)

Blood security testing

Urine substance testing 

Heart rate fitness testing 


Why does Dr. Lamar let Vincent through at the end which challenges conformity by going against what is expected of him?

Dr. Lamar has a son who is a fan of Vincent and wants to apply at Gattaca. His son is not all the geneticist promised to be, lacking the DNA sequence to enter Gattaca. Dr. Lamar supports Vincent challenging societal norms so that his son may too live out his dream.