Recovery Red Flags
Gaudenzia Philosophy
Damned Statistics
IOP Essentials (1)
IOP Essentials (2)

Detaching, segregating, and disconnecting from your recovery supports and others.

What is isolation?


We are here because there is no refuge, finally, from o_______s.

What is ourselves?


According to the CDC, as of 2016, what percentage of traffic related deaths in the US were linked to alcohol-impaired driving?

What is 28%


Two ways addiction affects the brain that make it a disease.

Alters the brain's reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry leading to negative symptoms; Chronic condition; Genetic; Progressive leading to death if not treated; Primary condition; Prolonged substance use changes the brain in fundamental ways that reinforce continued use, such as the strengthening of memory circuits associated with drug taking. 


A sponsor or mentor, AA meetings, counselor or therapist, religious community, family members, others in recovery.

What is a recovery support system.


Becoming pleased with yourself, overconfident, and resting on past progress in your recovery.

What is complacency?


Until they suffer others to share their s_____s.

What are secrets?


According to, What percentage of drug overdose deaths in Pennsylvania involved opioids in 2018?

What is 65%?


The difference between use, abuse, and addiction regarding substances.

What is using a substance as recommended, using a substance to temporarily escape feelings or responsibility, and becoming dependent on the substance physically and psychologically.


The spiritual component of a 12 step recovery program is turning your life and will over to a ______ _____.

What is a higher power?


Faulty patterns of thinking that are self-defeating.

What are thinking errors, cognitive distortions, addictive thinking, stinking thinking.


Where else but in our common ground can we find such a m____r?

What is mirror?


According to, how many people died in alcohol related fatalities in 2019 in Pennsylvania?

What is 299?


Self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.

What is complacency?


The three big "F"s when it comes to how we react to emotions and stress produced by the mid-brain.

What are fight, flight, and freeze.

Factors outside of yourself that make you want to use drugs.

What are external triggers?


Until people confront themselves in the e__s and h____s of others, they are running.

What are eyes and hearts?


According to a national survey on drug use and health, more than how many million Americans over the age of 12 used marijuana in the last year, (1) making marijuana the most common illegal drug used in the United States.  

(1) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. 2019. 

What is 43?


Key parts of a relapse prevention plan.

Healthy coping skills, recovery support system, identifying triggers and warning signs, healthy goals, outcomes of relapse, outcomes of sobriety, healthy recreational activities...


A return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. The action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost.

What is recovery?


Pride + Critical Spirit + Isolation =

What is the formula for relapse?

In this ground we can each take root and grow, not a___e anymore as in death, but alive to ourselves and others.

What is alone?


According to, what percentage of adults aged 18 years or older currently smoke cigarettes in 2019.

What is 14%


Trigger - Emotion - Thought - Behavior - Consequence

What is the behavior chain?


The difference between impulsive and compulsive.

A behavior is compulsive when you have the urge to do it repeatedly — until a feeling of anxiety or unease goes away. A behavior is impulsive when you do it without forethought and without considering the consequences.