Oates Quotes (Not aaron)
Things summarized horribly
Gavin (not Logan)

What is Aaron's favourite line when asked to do something new?

"I will try anything once!"


What is the first R-Rated nintendo game

Conker's bad fur day


So, like, there’s this total vibe-check called ____, who’s basically a science bro with the emotional range of a soggy noodle. He’s flexing hard on the whole “let’s play God” grind and decides to stitch together a homie from leftover fellas. 🤔💀 Major DIY vibes, right? But, spoiler alert: the result is a big ol' gym bro who’s not vibing with ____ life choices.



A project gavin was recently hyped about but gave up on

Dnd campaign


How are you doing?

If they do not answer in the "what is format" take 100 points from them. If they do, give them 200 instead.


In Oates Quotes' "4-step guide to peace and happiness" what is the fourth and final step?

Repeat until dead or happy


This 1993 educational game starring ____ teaches players typing skills

Mario Teaches Typing


Abiding in a desolate castle, he was discovered by a kindly woman who brought him to her abode. Though he endeavored to fit among the townsfolk, his fearsome appearance and unusual hands wrought misunderstanding and strife. Despite his gentle heart and skill in crafting beauty from his hedge-trimming, he faced much scorn and rejection. The tale unfolds as he seeketh love and acceptance in a world that knoweth not how to embrace the strange and the different. Ultimately, it is a poignant parable of longing and the quest for belonging.

Edward scissorhands


What was 7th grade Gavin's top pick for the super smash bros Wii u and 3ds fighter ballot?



What is a flock of flamingos?

a Flamboyance

What is the caption for the Oates Quotes' post featuring Aaron Oates dressed as a cowboy in a red hat?



Infamously short stocked amiibo in the third wave



Once upon a time, there was a really smart guy who loved to learn about science. He worked with his friends to create a super powerful thing that could change the world. But when they finished, they realized that this thing could also cause a lot of trouble and sadness. As they celebrated their achievement, they started to feel worried about what they had done and how it might affect everyone. In the end, the smart guy learned that being really clever comes with big responsibilities, and sometimes, even good intentions can lead to bad outcomes.



Gavin's favourite flavour



Who's the fascist?


The first actual quote on the Oate's quotes instagram page begins with the line "Seizing an opportunity is like ___________". Fill in the blank.

Cooking on a stove


Who is on the very top right corner of the smash ultimate character select screen?


  • “Keep it 100 with the one true vibe. No fakes allowed!” 🙌✨
  • “No idol worship, fam. Stick to the OG!” 🚫🖼️
  • “Don’t be out here using my name for clout. Major cringe!” 😬🙏
  • “Self-care Sundays, people! Time to chill and recharge.” 🛌✨
  • Respect the OGs, or you’re gonna catch some serious karma!” 👵👴💯
  • “No cap, don’t take lives! That’s just bad vibes.” 🚫🔪
  • “Stay loyal, fam. Cheating is a total no-go!” 💔🚫
  • “Thou shall not be a thief! Sharing is caring, folks!” 🙅‍♂️💰
  • “Don’t spread lies, fam. Truth only!” 🙌🗣️
  •  Keep your eyes on your own prize, or you’ll be in a world of hurt!” 👀🚫

The ten commandments


Gavin's most played 3ds game

Fire emblem awakening (I think like at least upwards of 300 hours)


What is the name of Asopp's most popular fable about appearences being deceiving

The Wolf in sheep's clothing


The Oates Quotes Instagram Bio opens with what line?

Professional cheetah hunter


What's the strongest smash character you could beat in a fight and why? Everyone goes, strongest character wins but everyone has to agree

Aaron could not beat donkey kong, i feel like he said that



The great depression

Starting with the person who chose this prompt, name a video game/book/movie and a score gavin would rate it out of 10. Gavin can confirm whether he's played/read/seen the thing in question. If you are off by more than 2 you're out. Once a thing has been named, everyone takes turns saying where they think gavin would rate it from 1-10. Logan must go last every time. Keep going until one dude is left. If logan wins, he takes 100 points from each other player. If anyone else beats logan they take 400 points from him.

Logan better not have won this lmao


Everyone can do this one without buzzing, you can start immediately. Call someone we all know and get them to say "Among us" without saying it yourself.

Winner gets to steal 200 points from a player of their choice