Missing Initial
Championships and Awards
As Time Goes By
Odds and Ends
Numerical Values

John [missing initial] Kennedy

What is F? It stands for Fitzgerald. The Kennedy family is considered to be American royalty.


This NFL championship is held in February.

 What is the Super Bowl? The first Super Bowl was played in 1967. The Patriots and the Steelers have racked up the most wins since then, at six each.


Dolly Parton works these hours in the film by the same name.

What is 9 to 5? It’s also the title of her song from the film.


This symbol is on Canada’s red and white flag.

What is a maple leaf? The flag began flying in 1965. The maple leaf is also a part of the Canadian Armed Forces’ flags and coat of arms.


“Ali Baba and the [number] Thieves” is part of the One Thousand and One Nights collection.

What is 40? The expression “Open sesame” comes from “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.”


FBI Director [missing initial] Edgar Hoover

 What is J? It stands for John. He took on Communists, Nazis, gangsters, and gangs, but his term at the FBI was checkered with controversy.


MVP stands for this. Answer: What is Most Valuable Player? Many sports leagues and teams award MVPs at the end of the season. Some corporations recognize professionals with a Most Valuable Professional award.

 What is Most Valuable Player? Many sports leagues and teams award MVPs at the end of the season. Some corporations recognize professionals with a Most Valuable Professional award.


For business people, time is this.

What is money? It’s another way of saying that time is an important commodity, and everyone gets the same amount of time in a day.


It regulates the heart via electrical impulses, and the battery needs to be replaced approximately every 15 years.

 What is a pacemaker? It can be used to correct arrythmias.


When you took a standardized test in school, you used a No. [number] pencil to fill in the answers.

What is 2? Pencils range from No. 1 to No. 5. The lower the number, the softer the pencil and the more graphite transfers to the paper.


[Two missing initials] Barnum

What is P. T.? He founded Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1871 and is famous for saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”


Augusta National hosts the Masters Tournament in this sport.

 What is golf? Jack Nicklaus has won the most Masters Tournaments, with six wins.


These are the two transition seasons.

What are spring and fall (or autumn)? The two milder seasons are called transition seasons because they bridge the two extreme seasons.


This adorable tree-dwelling marsupial is found Down Under.

What is the koala? Many people who visit Australia want to commune with them until they find out that they can be aggressive when bothered. Treat koalas the same way you treat bears—by keeping your distance


A person who has had too much to drink is said to be this number of “sheets to the wind.” 

 What is three? The expression began as a nautical phrase. Sheets in nautical terms are ropes that hold the sails. If the sheets aren’t secured properly, the sails will be loose, and the boat will lurch like a drunken sailor.  


The Great Gatsby author [missing initial] Scott Fitzgerald  

What is F? His full name is Frances Scott Key Fitzgerald. He was the son of an aristocrat.


This baseball team has won (by a lot) the most World Series Championships.

What is the New York Yankees? The team has won 27 World Series Championships. Second place goes to the St. Louis Cardinals, with 11 wins.


The New Year’s Eve ball drop begins at 11:59 p.m., and it takes exactly this many seconds to drop in order to reach the bottom on New Year’s Day.

What is 60? The ball is 12 feet in diameter and full of Waterford crystals illuminated by LED lights


Canada’s federal Parliament buildings are found in this city.

What is Ottawa? Parliament is a complex composed of three buildings. The east and west buildings are administrative buildings.


This applies to numbers such as 11, 13, and 15, but not to numbers such as 10, 12, and 14. It is also a synonym for unusual.

What is odd?


Actor George [missing initial] Scott

What is C? It stands for Campbell. He played General George Patton in the 1970 film Patton and in the 1986 film The Last Days of Patton. He was awarded an Academy Award for Patton, but he refused it.


This is the last race in the Triple Crown.

What is the Belmont Stakes? The Kentucky Derby is the first race, followed by the Preakness Stakes.


The ceasefire agreement for this war was signed at 11 a.m. sharp on 11/11.

What is World War I? The year was 1918. Armistice Day is celebrated each November 11.


In 1613, this London theater, where many Shakespeare plays were performed, burned to the ground and was rebuilt in a year.

What is the Globe? By 1642, the Puritans had banned plays and began tearing down playhouses, including the Globe in 1644. The Globe Theatre Trust rebuilt the Globe as part of the International Shakespeare Globe Centre.


This is when you have summed a string of numbers, and it also describes a car wrecked beyond repair.

What is totaled?