GBV Minimum Standards
Core Functions
Humanitarian System
Feeling Lucky!

Name the three groupings of the Minimum Standards.

Foundational, Programme and Process 


What are three skills that are needed to be a great coordinator on GBV? 

- high level of knowledge about GBV and emergencies

-confident to discuss the issue of GBV in humanitarian response. 

- able to manage diverse opinions and needs. 

- able to create feelings of safety and trust with members. 


List two benefits of CSOs, especially women led organizations being involved in GBV coordination structures? 

- ensures work of coordination is informed by women who have been affected by the conflict / displacement

- Ensures work of coordination is contextualized to the context 

- CSOs understand the situation far better than outsiders. 

- Increases sustainability of efforts. 


Is GBV a cluster of its own?

No. GBV is a Area of Responsibility (AoR) that sits under the Protection Cluster. 


Who had to travel the furthest to attend this meeting? 



What are the three process standards?

Data Collection, Coordination and M&E


Who is responsible for GBV Risk Mitigation in a humanitarian response? 

Everyone! the GBV AoR can support other non-GBV sectors / clusters, but ultimately each sector has an obligation to ensure GBV risk mitigation as part of their interventions. 


True or false: It is important to be involved in GBV Coordination meetings as this is where GBV cases are discussed. 

No! Cases on GBV are not discussed at coordination meetings. 


 What are the 2 GBV focused mandates of UNFPA?

1. GBV AoR coordination

2. Provider of Last Resort for GBV services. 


number of people wearing something blue today. 



Does contextualizing the minimum standards mean you have to re-write the standard?

No! contextualization means adding to the minimum standard information specific to the context. This may include laws around mandatory reporting etc. 


List the 6 core functions. 

Support Service Delivery

Inform strategic decision making

Planning and Implementing of Strategies 

Monitoring and Evaluation 

Support Robust Advocacy



UNFPA is only involved in GBV coordination when the affected population are IDPs. 

Not true! UNFPA will lead the GBV AoR when affected population are IDPs, but UNFPA is also a member of GBV Working Group when led by UNHCR or the Government. 


Where does the SRH Task Force / Working Group Sit?

Typically the SRH WG is under the Health Cluster. There are some exceptions to this though!


You are a GBV Coordinator feeling lost and unsure on how to manage workload and address challenges. Who can you reach out to for help?

REGA - Irene

Look at GBV AoR Website for tools and resources. 

Ask a question on the GBV CoP or email the GBV AoR Help Desk directly. 


List the 16 Minimum Standards 

Guiding Principles

Participation and Empowerment of Women and Girls

Staff Care and Support

Healthcare for GBV Survivors

Psyshosocial Support

GBV Case Management 

Referral Systems

Women and Girls Safe Spaces

Safety and Risk Mitigation

Justice and Legal Aid

Dignity Kits, Cash and voucher Assistance

Economic Empowerment 

Transforming Systems and Social Norms

Collection and Use of Survivor Data

GBV Coordination

Monitoring and Evaluation and Assessment 


List three types of information that the GBV AoR should aim to collect and keep updated?

- Number and types of organizations responding to GBV (international, national and local) 

- Public, secondary reports with analysis of gender and GBV in the context 

- Public reports on humanitarian assessments (inter-cluster and GBV specific) 

- GBV service coverage statistics (e.g. number of GBV specialists or women friendly spaces per 10,000 people; number of disaster-affected areas with services available for clinical management of rape and case management) 

- Inclusion of GBV interventions in HRPs or other types of response plans 

- Funding and costing for GBV response (programming and coordination) 

- Progress on indicators adopted by the GBV sub-cluster and the HCT Protection Strategy on GBV 

- Information about sector responses to GBV (e.g. in other cluster strategies)


Where can you learn more about GBV coordination? Specifically, what tools have been developed for this?

the GBV AoR has a GBV Coordination Handbook!


What is the difference between UNHCR and OCHA when it comes to coordination of humanitarian response?

UNHCR - leads on refugee focused responses and does not have a cluster response, instead it has a sector response where they lead on each sector with support from different agencies. 

OCHA - leads on IDP focused responses and has a cluster system where specific agencies lead on different sectors. UNFPA leads on GBV. 


Organize your group members in alphabetical order. 

(entire group to stand up and be placed in order)


What role does the GBV AoR / sub-cluster / working group have in the GBV Minimum Standards at the country level? How does this differ to stakeholders implementing GBV programmes?

GBV AoR is responsible for ensuring GBV MS are understood and applied at the policy level as well as in service delivery. 

GBV Stakeholders / response providers ensure their specific area of work meets the MS and can reach out to the GBV AoR for support with this. 


Name one deliverable for each of the 6 core functions that a GBV Coordinator must have in place for robust and effective coordination. 

1. Service Delivery: SOPs, Referral Pathway. Service Mapping

2. Inform Decision Making: Rapid Needs Assessment, safety audits, joint inter-cluster assessments.

3. Plan and implement strategies: HNO, HRP, GBV Guidelines, GBV AoR Work Plan

4. M&E: GBV indicators; 

5. Preparedness: Readiness Assessment; Accountability to Affected Populations, contingency plans. 

6. Advocacy: life saving messages, key messages on GBV, Advocacy Strategy


When is it appropriate for government and donors to participate in GBV Coordination meetings?

There is no firm rule for this. Before inviting each to participate it should be discussed with existing members who may express concern regarding their safety or fears around loss of funds. It is important though to have this conversation and not just automatically exclude government and donors. If the government doesn't pose a threat to GBV actors then they should be encouraged to attend and ideally co-chair with a view to coordination being embedded within government structures.  


When does a humanitarian response end?

Formally, this is when a cluster system  is deactivated by OCHA (often at the request of or in negotiation with the government). 

For Refugee Response this is when UNHCR and government agree for formal end of refugee situation, often when a durable solution has been found for the majority of refugees. 


number of people in this training that will over the next 4 days have fun, engage, and feel positive and excited about GBV coordination?