Course Syllabus
YMIW? Chapter 1
Week 1 Lecture
Week 3 Lecture
YMIW? Chapter 2

What are the names of your staff instructor and student instructor?

Kimberly Schmitt and Ethan Lacouty


What is the name of the system you will utilize to actively wander, try out new ideas, and take advantage of unknown opportunities, but in a directed, mindful manner?

Wise Wanderings


Our course is organized into three phrases. What are they?

Discover Your Strengths, Develop Your Vision, and Design Your Path


How many different CliftonStrengths are there?



The tool that can be utilized to organize the chaos of your life by helping you by helping you identify significant themes and moments in your life is known as what?

A Wandering Map


How many points are awarded for attending class?

3 points are awarded for every class


The fact that a small incident at the beginning of a process can produce a large variation in the long-term outcome is known as what?

The butterfly effect


There are four pillars in the Heavener School of Business. What are they?

Leadership, Academic Rigor, International Studies, and Career Development


A naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied is called what?



What is the first step to analyzing a wandering map?

Identifying a list of categories


What is the proper format for written assignments?

Written assignments should be typed, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font and 1" page margins, unless otherwise noted.


The belief that there is a direct relationship between inputs and outputs (such as one's major and one's career) is known as what?

Linear thinking


The ongoing process for increasing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in which the person has the responsibility for their self-development is known as what?

Competency development


What is "The Equation” that builds a strength?

Talent + Investment = Strength


Why should you share your wandering map?

Another person might be able to help you identify additional categories, themes, or threads or see connections you missed


If you miss class due to a religious holiday, medical emergency, or family emergency, what should you do?

Submit an Instructor Notification Request through UF's U Matter, We Care instructor notification process as soon as possible.


The development of mathematical formulas originally designed to develop better weather prediction models lead to the creation of what?

Chaos theory


This competency had the smallest differential between importance and proficiency in a job outlook survey conducted by NACE. What is it?

Technology (which is equivalent to the Gator Ready competency of technical acumen)


There are four domains. What are they?

Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking


What is the name of the Nobel Laureate who developed the field of artificial intelligence and used the phrase "net work of possible wanderings" to describe the value of multidisciplinary perspectives?

Dr. Herbert Simon


What is the essential question for the course?

How can you best use your experiences to prepare for your academic and professional success?


The roots of modern-day career counseling can be traced back to 1909 when which engineering professor developed a trait-and-factor approach to making career decisions?

Frank Parsons


These two competencies were rated as the most important competencies in a survey conducted by NACE. What are they?

Critical thinking and communication (which are equivalent to the Gator Ready competencies of critical thinking and problem solving and communication)


What are three CliftonStrengths from any domain of your choosing?

Executing: Achiever, Arranger, Belief, Consistency, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Responsibility, Restorative
Influencing: Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Significance, Woo
Relationship Building: Adaptability, Connectedness, Developer, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity, Relator
Strategic Thinking: Analytical, Context, Futuristic, Ideation, Input, Intellection, Learner, Strategic


What is the name of the former vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway who believed understanding the stock market and investments requires applying knowledge from disparate fields?

Charles Munger