The                 of a text is the purpose behind why a writer would choose to write a book, article, story, etc. 

A.  Summary

B.  Theme

C.  Main Idea

D.  Topic

C.  Main Idea

Being able to find and understand the main idea is a critical skill necessary to comprehend and appreciate what you're reading.

It is the argument the writer is making about the topic.


What is the median for the following data set?







What are the seven continents?

North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.  


A gas sample is heated so that the average kinetic energy of the particles in the sample doubles.  Which of the following could describe the temperature change that occurred in the system?

A.  200 K to 400 K

B.  100oC to 50oC

C.  0 K to 100 K

D.  0oC to 100oC

A.  200 K to 400 K


______   ______ keeps parts of the sentence that perform the same purpose in the same form.

Parallel structure keeps parts of the sentence that perform the same purpose in the same form.  


Terrance enjoys reading comic books, running, and playing basketball.

Each of the underlined parts of the sentence is the same verb form, ending in "ing."


When I opened the refrigerator, I saw that the carton of milk had fallen over, spilling onto the shelf below.  

What change should be made to the sentence?

A.  change When to Although

B.  remove the comma after refrigerator

C.  change fallen to fell

D.  no change is necessary

D.  no change is necessary


James is building an octagonal gazebo with equal sides in his backyard.  If one side is 5.5 feet wide, what is the perimeter of the entire gazebo?

A.  22 feet

B.  30.25 feet

C.  44 feet

D.  242 feet

C.  44 feet


A ________ is a formal agreement (or pact), entered into by two or more nations to end wars, prevent wars, or for mutual benefits to each nation.  



Treaty of Versailles-Signed in June 1919, this treaty between the Allied powers and Germany formally ended World War I.  


Which of the following is not a state of matter?

A.  plasma

B.  liquid

C.  solid

D.  crystal

D.  crystal


A cleaning company charges $25 per hour per room. Added to this charge is a 7% sales tax. If t represents the number of hours and represents the number of rooms, which of the following algebraic equations represents the total cost of cleaning?

A.  c=25.07(t)(r)

B.  c=32.00(t)(r)

C.  c=26.75(t)(r)

D.  c=26.75(t)/r

C.  c=26.75(t)(r)


The farmer will sew his seeds in the spring to ensure a healthy crop this coming season.

Which correction should be made to the sentence?

A.  change sew to sow 

B.  change sew to so 

C.  insert a comma after spring

D.  capitalize spring

A.  change sew to sow


There are 3 red, 4 blue, and 6 black marbles in a bag. When Carlos reaches into the bag and selects a marble without looking, what are the chances he will select a black marble?

A.  0.23

B.  0.31

C.  0.46

D.  0.86

C.  0.46


We are the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.  

Which of the following best describes the meaning of the phrase "insure domestic tranquility"?

A.  establish a fair court system

B.  protect the rights of all people

C.  maintain peace within the nation

D.  help all citizens achieve success

C.  maintain peace within the nation

Which of the following is not true of a liquid?

A.  A liquid fills the volume of the container holding it.

B.  A liquid is fluid and can change shape.

C.  A liquid is always warmer than a solid

D.  Molecules in a liquid can have attractive interactions.

A.  A liquid fills the volume of the container holding it.  


Henry noticed that salt water freezes at a lower temperature than freshwater does.  This observation left him to the question, "Does increasing the amount of salt in salt water reduce the freezing point of the water?"  Which statement is a testable hypothesis that could be formulated from Henry's observation and question?

A.  Adding salt to salt water raises its freezing point.

B.  Adding salt to salt water lowers its freezing point.

C.  Adding salt to salt water has an effect on the freezing point of the water.  

D.  Adding salt to salt water does not have a significant effect on the freezing point of the water.  

B.  Adding salt to salt water lowers its freezing point.  


The protestors objected to the governor's new budget, However, he pushed the legislature to pass the bill.

What correction should be made to the underlined portion?

A. budget, However, he

B.  budget; however, he

C.  budget: However, he

D.  budget, however, he

B.  budget; however, he.

A comma is not sufficient enough to separate two complete thoughts.  In addition, when using a semicolon, the next word cannot be capitalized unless it is a proper noun or adjective. 


The area of a trapezoid is 864 cm2.  It has a height of 24cm, and the length of one of its bases is 30cm.  What is the length of the other base?



Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal."

What was President Lincoln referring to here?

A.  the Civil War

B.  the American Revolution

C.  the writing of the Constitution

D.  the creation of the Bill of Rights

B.  the American Revolution 


Over a period of several hundred years, a glacier melts and is transformed into a lake populated by many species of birds, algae, and other aquatic organisms.  Later, the lake slowly dries up and becomes a valley, where grasses and shrubs predominantly grow.

This passage describes which of the following ecological processes?

A.  convergence

B.  succession

C.  adaption

D.  evolution

B.  succession 


"...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."

Thomas Jefferson wrote the above statement because he wanted to  

A.  keep the United States from declaring an official religion.

B.  establish a particular religion in the United States.

C.  prohibit the free exercise of religion.

D.  declare a law that respects each citizen's beliefs.

A.  keep the United States from declaring an official religion.


What are the four basic types of sentences you can use when writing your essay?

Declarative (makes a statement)

Interrogative (asks a question)

Exclamatory (states strong emotion)

Imperative (makes a request or command) 

It is important to vary the types of sentences you use.  It will make your essay more interesting to read and can improve your overall score. 



What is the sum of the polynomials?

A.  3x3+2x+y

B.  11x-4y

C.  3x3+2x-4y

D.  29x-4y

C.  3x3+2x-4y


"The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want.  They spread and grow in the evil soil of poverty and strife.  They reach their full growth when the hope of a people for a better life has died.  We must keep that hope alive....Great responsibilities have been placed upon us by the swift movement of events....I am confident that the Congress will face these responsibilities squarely."      -President Harry S. Truman, 1947

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?

A.  Debates about the relationship between Congress and the president

B.  Debates about the use of military force in volatile situations

C.  Debates about the role of the United States in world affairs

D.  Debates about the proper role of political parties

C.  Debates about the role of the United States in world affairs.


Which of these would not increase the amplitude of the tide on a shoreline?

A.  The shoreline is on the section of the earth closest to the moon.

B.  The shape of the coastline funnels water from the surrounding bay toward the shoreline.

C.  A strong wind blows off the water toward the shore.

D.  The friction created by shallow water moving along the ocean floor slows the flow of water. 

D.  The friction created by shallow water moving along the ocean floor slows the flow of water.


Most scientists believe the universe began with the Big Bang.  According to this theory, early universe was small and hot.  With time, the universe cooled. This theory predicts that cosmic microwave background radiation should be detectable and be in equilibrium.  This radiation is the remnant of the explosion of the Big Bang.  In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson verified the existence of this radiation with a new kind of antenna.  What can you conclude about the scientific method from this event?

A.  Science can progress only by deductive reasoning.

B.  Science can progress when one scientist proves another's theory is incorrect.

C.  Science can progress when one or more scientists are able to support, with observations, the predictions made by another.

D.  Science can progress when carefully controlled laboratory conditions can prove the existence of something previously suspected to exist.

C.  Science can progress when one or more scientists are able to support, with observations, the predictions made by another.

In this case, the observations of Penzias and Wilson supported the existing Big Bank theory.  Although B and D are also true, examples of this kind of advancement are not described in the passage.