Understanding Main Ideas
Choosing the Best Sentence
Fact Versus Opinion

What two elements are wrong with this sentence and how would you correct it?

can I please have some ice cream.  

The first element is the c is not capitalized in which with the first letter of the sentence, it should always be capitalized. The second element is that the end of the sentence should have a question mark since it poses a question. 

Thus, the correct sentence would ideally be: Can I please have some ice cream? 


What would you say is the main idea of this passage: 

Bob wakes up at 6:45 AM, he then puts on his shirt and pants, he takes a shower, shaves, and brushes his teeth. Bob afterwards feeds his dog, locks the house, before getting into the car for work. 

The main idea of this passage is that this describes Bob's morning routine as he gets ready for work as evidenced by a list of traditional morning activities that he does before he goes to work. 


Which of the two is the best sentence and why: 

1) I am doing good. 

2) I am doing well today; it is a nice and sunny day outside. 

Sentence two is better as it provides more details on why they are doing well instead of simply saying that they are doing well. 


Which one is this, fact or opinion, and why: 

It is raining outside, and it is hailing on people's cars as well. 

This is a fact as one can see with one's own eyes that it is raining as well as hailing. 


What would be the correct version of this misspelled word: Raycon 

The correct version of this misspelled word would be the word crayon. 


What is wrong with this sentence and how would you correct it? 

My favorite candies are skittles m and m's and jolly ranchers. 

This sentence needs a comma between skittles and m and m's as well as between m and m's and jolly ranchers as you are supposed to put commas when listing items. 

Thus, the sentence would look like this: My favorite candies are skittles, m and m's, and jolly ranchers. 


What would you say is the main idea of this passage:

I saw the train coming, I thought of everything that is to come, the training that I will have to do, how I might have to go to actual battle one day, and how it will be a while before I'll be granted leave. However, I am thinking of everything positive too, such as new friends, the ability to rise up positions, and that I get to help people. 

The main idea of this passage is that this person is thinking of the pros and cons of what the person will experience shortly as the person's train is approaching for him to go in the military. 


Which of the two is the best sentence and why: 

1) I got 4 chocolate lollipops, 5 cheese doodles, and 10 skittle packets for a birthday party that was happening tonight. 

2) I got stuff for the party tonight. 

Sentence 1 is better since it answers questions that the reader might have about the transaction such as what the person bought, what was the event, and when was the event whereas Sentence 2 did not provide many details. 


Which one is this, fact or opinion, and why: 

Joe Shmoo is the best songwriter ever and his latest song is the best hit he has ever had thus far. 

This is an opinion as one cannot objectively prove that he is the best songwriter and the fact that people have different beliefs over who the best songwriter is and what song qualifies as that song writer's best song. 


What would be the correct version of this misspelled word: Pplepinae 

The correct version of this misspelled word would be pineapple. 


What is wrong with this sentence and how would you fix it? 

Today, I went to the beach, we bult some sandcastles, we did some body surfing, and then we did some wakeboarding, then after we went to lunch, grabbed some fish, grabbed some French fries, and finally grabbed some ice cream. 

The problem with this sentence is that it is a run-on sentence as the sentence is longer than appropriate. There are several ways this sentence could be fixed but one way could be: 

Today, I went to the beach, we built some sandcastles, we did some body surfing, and then we did some wakeboarding. Then, after we went to lunch, grabbed some fish, grabbed some French fries, and finally grabbed some ice cream. 

(As long as there is some evidence of them making it into two sentences, they are eligible for full points.)


What would you say is the main idea of this passage: 

I think that social studies is important because it gives us lessons on the past but yet I think science is important because it is a growing phenomenon in our society. I simply just can't decide on what class to teach today, they are all simply too good, but they all have their flaws too. I am just simply nervous I'll choose the wrong class to teach. 

The main idea of the class is that the teacher is indecisive as well as nervous about what exactly to teach for a class. 


Which of the two is the best sentence and why: 

1) I got some sunglasses, some American hats, a few American flags, a pair of pants with the American flag on it, and I also got a lot of fireworks such as the big turbo fireworks, the small sprinkler fireworks, and the medium firework tubes so we can set those off tonight. 

2) I got some sunglasses and some clothing with the American flag on them such as pants and hats. I also got a lot of fireworks from big fireworks to small fireworks so we can light them tonight for the 4th of July celebration. 

Sentence 2 is the best sentence because sentence 1 is way too long and it will simply confuse the reader due to its length alone as well as it being a grammatic error due to it being a run-on. Whereas sentence 2 is easier to follow and still gives enough detail without violating any sort of grammatical errors. 


Which one is this, fact or opinion, and why: 

An ambulance siren is high in sound due to having a 110-decibel rating. 

This is a fact in that despite saying that is high in sound which may sound like an opinion, there is an actual universally held measurement associated with this claim in which that measurement states that it is high in sound. 

What would be the correct version of this misspelled word: Neroavtion 

The correct version of this misspelled word would be renovation 


What is wrong with this sentence and how would you correct it? 

We were going to the cafe and then we see that it was undergoing infestation, so we went somewhere else. 

What is wrong with this sentence is that there is a tense switch between past and present in that we were and we see indicating past and present in the same sentence is grammatically incorrect. 

Thus, the correct sentence would result as such: 

We were going to the cafe and then we saw that it was undergoing infestation, so we went somewhere else. 


What would you say is the main idea of this passage: 

I was grabbing some candy at the store, then I saw an eagle fly by, and I just noticed how majestic it was soaring through the sky. Then, I returned to grab my candy in which I like chocolates, so I grabbed Kit-Kats and Hershey bars. I was then sitting and enjoying my candy but then that same majestic eagle came soaring down towards my candy and took 5 Hershey bars from me. 

The main idea of this passage is that the person was noticing the eagle steal their candy that they bought. 


Which of the two is the best sentence and why: 

1) These are my favorite things, my family, my friends, my cat, and some good food. 

2) These are my favorite things in life: my family, my friends, my cat, and good food such as pizza and burgers. 

Sentence 2 is the best sentence as the colon makes the sentence grammatically correct as when listing items, a colon should precede the list. Also, sentence  provides more detail than sentence 1 about the person's favorite things in life. 


Which one is this, fact or opinion, and why: 

John Smith is the #1 donut eater at Dunkin Donuts due to ordering and eating 255 donuts. 

This is a fact as him being the #1 donut eater is substantiated by the fact that he ate 255 donuts, which was more than any other customer at Dunkin Donuts. 


Identify the misspelled words and correct them: 

In otday's class, we are earlinng about certain nuftcoisn of mathematical qeutaoisn. 

There are four misspelled words in which otday's should be today's, earlinng should be learning, nuftcoisn should be functions, and quetaoisn should be equations. 


What is wrong with this sentence and how would you correct it? 

We went to the coffee shop and then we grabbed some coffee to-go. We afterwards went to the petting-zoo, rode some horses at a nearby zoo, and then had some dinner. 

Trick question, there is nothing wrong with this sentence. As you can see, this sentence has proper grammar as well as conveys the subject matter in an appropriate way, so thus it is a grammatically correct sentence. 


What would you say is the main idea of this passage: 

You know, I really like Spongebob square pants, but I also like Toy Story 3. I also really like this blue outfit but the red one looks good too. I am also into trying this hot dog right here with 3 toppings but the one with the extra onions sounds neat as well. There's just so much to choose from at this place. 

The main idea of this passage is that a person was shopping at a mall and choosing a lot of various items indecisively. 


Which of the two is the best sentence and why: 

1) There were 5 cats outside: one was orange, one was orange and black, one was orange and white, one was black and white, and the last cat I saw was white. 

2) There were 6 dogs outside: they were white, black, gray, black and gray, and black and white. 

Sentence 1 is better as it gives detail into what each cat looked like by specifying each individual cat whereas sentence 2 does not specify each individual dog as well as no one knows what the sixth dog looks like as it does not say. 


Which one is this, fact or opinion, and why: 

The weather is going to be 115 degrees outside for the high and 91 degrees for the low. 

This is an opinion as this does not say the predicted weather which is based on actual measurements but rather simply a person saying what they think the weather is going to be. Thus, since there is no evidence behind this statement, this would be an opinion. 


Identify the misspelled words and correct them: 

We are sitting in the cheers, talking about the whether, saying how it will be reigny this morning but then sonny this afternoon, and how we should schedule our plants for this afternoon. 

There are 5 errors in which cheers should be chairs, whether should be weather, reigny should be rainy, sonny should be sunny, and plants should be plans.