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Based on the diagram above, which of the following statements is true about the structure of an atom?

A)    The nucleus is made up of neutrons and electrons

B)    The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons

C)    Protons are made up of neutrons and electrons

D)    Neutrons are made up of the nucleus and electrons

B) The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.


Based on the diagram above, which of the following statements about Africa's biomes is true?

A)    Northern Africa is mostly made up of grasslands

B)    Southern Africa is mostly made up of extreme desert

C)    Semi-deserts are usually bordered by grasslands

D)    Extreme deserts are usually bordered by forests

C) Semi-deserts are usually bordered by grasslands


Based on the diagram above, which of the following statements is true about a plant's cell structure?

A)    The outer layer of the cell is also called the nuclear envelope

B)    The nucleus is inside the nucleolus

C)    Mitochondrion and small membrane vesicles serve the same purpose

D)    The cell wall surrounds the entire cell

D) The cell wall surrounds the entire cell.


Based on the diagram above, which of the following is true about the carbon cycle?

A)    Fossil fuels and cement production absorb carbon

B)    Soil contains no carbon

C)    Trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere

D)    When a fire burns, it absorbs carbon from the atmosphere

C) Trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere.


Battery companies make impressive claims about how long their batteries will last. A student decided to test the running time of different batteries to determine which battery lasts the longest. The student tested 6 different batteries, 4 brand name and 2 generic, using flashlights. The results show that the battery referred to as Name Brand A lasted the longest, with 101 hours of runtime:

It could be argued that this experiment was not set up using proper experimental protocol. What would need to change in the experiment for the results to be valid?

A. The batteries should have all been either name brand or generic

B. Only two groups should have been tested at a time

C. The same battery should have been used in each flashlight

D. The same flashlight should have been used to test each battery

D. The same flashlight should have been used to test each battery 


Wavelengths are measured in nanometers (nm). Each color on the visible spectrum has a different wavelength. The human eye is only able to distinguish wavelengths between 400-750 nm. The approximate wavelengths of the visible spectrum are shown below:


If you were reading a scientific report, and it referred to a wavelength of 455 nm, which color would it be referring to?

A. Violet

B. Ultraviolet

C. Blue

D. Green

C. Blue

You can approximate the wavelength of blue by looking at the diagram and estimating that it has a wavelength just above 450, midway between 400 and 500 nm.


What is the median of number of hurricanes from 1950s-1970s?


The "median" is the "middle" value in the list of numbers. To find the median, your numbers need to be listed in numerical order from smallest to largest. First list out the number of hurricanes that occurred in each of thos decade:
20, 15, 12

Then put them in order:
12, 15, 20

There are 3 numbers total, which means that the 2nd number is the one in the middle. The 2nd number is 15, so 15 is the median.


The square above is based on the eye color of two parents. One of the parents has brown eyes (Aa) and carries the recessive gene for green eyes (a). The other parent has green eyes (aa). What is the probability that a biological child of these parents will have brown eyes?

A. 0%

B. 25%

C. 50%

D. 100%

C. 50%

It is given that the recessive gene for green eyes is the allele ‘a,’ and that one parent has brown eyes while also carrying the recessive green eye allele. This means that the dominant gene (A) gives brown eyes. Inspection of the square shows that half of the children will have green eyes (aa), and half of the children will have brown eyes (Aa).


Below is the chemical equation for photosynthesis:

Which of the following statements about photosynthesis is correct?

A. When 6 molecules of carbon dioxide are used, 1 molecule of oxygen is produced

B. When 1 molecule of water is used, 1 molecule of glucose is produced

C. When 6 molecules of water are used, 1 molecule of glucose is produced

D. When 1 molecule of glucose is produced, 12 molecules of oxygen are used

C. When 6 molecules of water are used, 1 molecule of glucose is produced

The reactants are on the left side of a chemical equation and the products are on the right side. In photosynthesis, 6 molecules of carbon dioxide react with 6 molecules of water (in the presence of sunlight) to produce 1 molecule of glucose and 6 molecules of oxygen.


What are the three phases or states of matter?

A. Liquid, Gas, Ice
B. Liquid, Solid, Gas
C. Gas, liquid, Slippery
D. Liquid, Gas, hard

B. Liquid, Solid, Gas


As part of a chemistry experiment, 1025 milliliters of water is mixed into a beaker that contains 175 milliliters of motor oil.

(1 liter = 1000 milliliters)

After adding the water, how many liters of liquid are in the beaker?

A. 1200

B. 1,200,000

C. 1.2

D. 0.12

C. 1.2

First add the two amounts of liquid:
1025 + 175 = 1200 mL

To convert milliliters to liters, divide by 1000:

1200 ÷ 1000 = 1.2 L


Many of Earth’s major landforms are features that occurred due to _________ hitting each other. 

(A) continental shelves 

(B) continents 

(C) tetonic plates 

(D) faults

C. tectonic plates

Many of Earth’s major landforms are features that occurred due to tectonic plates hitting each other. Many of Earth’s major landforms are features that occurred due to tectonic plates hitting each other causing folding of rock into mountains or slipping of one plate under another forming a continental shelf. Careful study of the tectonic plates and the land formations between them reveal how the formations came to be.


An animal that eats both meat and plants is called:

A. a carnivore

B. an omnivore

C. a consumer

D. a scavenger

B. An omnivore


In an ecosystem, producers convert the sun’s energy into a usable source for other organisms. Primary consumers eat the producers, secondary consumers eat primary consumers, and tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. Some organisms eat more than one type of organism in the food web. Look at the food web below. Notice that the lion is both a scavenger and a secondary consumer. Thus, they may fill more than one role in the ecosystem.

Which of the following organisms fill more than one role in this ecosystem? Hint: Which animal eats grass and animals?

A. Giraffe

B. Hyena

C. Cheetah

D. Dung-rolling beetle

B. Hyena

The hyena is a primary consumer (eats grass), a secondary consumer (eats the zebra) and a scavenger (eats the dead wildebeest).


he timeline below depicts when the Trianis Volcano has erupted.  Geologists discuss "recurrence intervals" which represent an average time between past events.  The black circles represent when the Trianis Volcano had a confirmed eruption.  The triangle represents a suspected but not confirmed eruption.

Which of the following statements represents an hypothesis rather than a fact?

A. A volcanic eruption occurred in 1852

B. Four volcanic eruptions occurred within a 33 year period

C. The 1830 volcanic eruption was not confirmed

D. A volcanic eruption should have ocurred about 1820

E. Six volcanic eruptions have been reported 

D. A volcanic eruption should have ocurred about 1820


Which of these choices is not a major part of an atom?

A. Electrons

B. Protons

C. Neutrons

D. All are parts of an atom.

D. All are parts of an atom. 


hich rock layer appears to be most resistant to weathering and erosion?

A. Lockport dolostone

B. Rochester shale

C. Grimsby sandstone

D. Queenston shale 

A. Lockport dolostone


Bill and Bob are biological twins who were adopted as babies. Their adoptive father and his father and his father (Billy and Bob’s father, paternal grandfather, and paternal great-grandfather) all suffered from early-onset fingernail greening. Which of the following statements is most likely to be the case?

A. There is no doubt both Bill and Bob’s nails will be green by age twenty.

B.  It is likely that both twins will suffer from green nails at an early age.

C. Being adopted, it’s unlikely that Bill or Bob are at risk.

D. If they take proper precautions, neither of them need to worry about the color of their nails.

C. Being adopted, it’s unlikely that Bill or Bob are at risk.


If additional cheetahs were introduced into this ecosystem, shortly thereafter we would expect a decrease in the:

A. lion population

B. hyena population

C. dung-rolling beetle population

D. hare population

D. hare population

Arrows are pointing from hares and gazelles to cheetahs. This indicates that cheetahs eat hares and gazelles. Adding more cheetahs would quickly cause a decrease these populations. Predicting the long-term effects would be more challenging.


Ancestors of the giant panda had rounded paws with five very short toes. Today, the giant panda has a sixth toe, often referred to as a thumb, even though it develops from a wrist bone. This unique thumb is an adaptation that allows the panda to easily hold and eat bamboo shoots.

The presence of the giant panda’s thumb is most likely the result of

A. selective breeding

B. natural selection

C. asexual reproduction

D. asexual reproduction 

B. Natural Selection

Which atomic particle has a negative charge?

A. Electron

B. Proton

C. Neutron

D. None of the Above

A. Electrons are the atomic particles with the negative charges. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons have a neutral charge.


The timeline below depicts when the Trianis Volcano has erupted.  Geologists discuss "recurrence intervals" which represent an average time between past events.  The black circles represent when the Trianis Volcano had a confirmed eruption.  The triangle represents a suspected but not confirmed eruption.

The timeline shows that volcanic eruptions tend to happen at regular intervals.  According to this timeline, in which year would a volcanic eruption also have been expected?

A. 1899

B. 1887

C. 1891

D. 1894

E. 1889 

D. 1894


When you breathe, the circulatory system carries…

A. adrenalin to your cells

B. hormones to your cells

C. oxygen to your cells

D. all answers are correct

C. oxygen to your cells


The diagram below shows various ecological communities that occupied an area over a period of 300 years.

Which statement best describes the diagram?

A. Community A is the most stable community.

B. Community C developed into community A after a period of 75 years.

C. Community B replaced community C after a period of 100 years.

D. Community D modified the environment, making it more suitable for community E.

D. Community D modified the environment, making it more suitable for community E


Tides are mostly caused by the

A. Sun’s pull of gravity on the earth

B. Moon’s pull of gravity on the earth

C. The rotation of the earth

D. The orbit of the earth

B. Moon’s pull of gravity on the earth