Time Machine
It's the Law
Show Me the Money
Figure It Out

According to the passage, this colony is where you'd most likely have found a large Catholic population.

"Religious freedom played a major role in the establishment of various colonies in early United States history. Fleeing religious persecution, groups like the Pilgrims sought refuge and founded Plymouth Colony in 1620, emphasizing the importance of religious freedom. The Massachusetts Bay Colony, founded in 1630 by the Puritans, similarly prioritized religious freedom.

Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams in 1636 as a home for those seeking freedom from religious intolerance, emphasizing the separation of church and state. Maryland, established in 1634, was a haven for Catholics escaping persecution in England that implemented the Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 which extended a degree of religious freedom. Religious diversity shaped colonies like Pennsylvania, which was founded in 1681 by William Penn. Pennsylvania quickly became a notable example of religious tolerance, particularly for Quakers.

The commitment to religious liberty in these colonies influenced the broader concept of freedom of conscience, which would later become part of the United States Constitution. The enduring legacy of these early colonies continues to shape the understanding and practice of religious freedom in the United States."

What is Maryland?


According to the Preamble of the Constitution, this is where the authority of the federal government comes from.

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Who are The People?


This job sector lost 11.7% of its jobs between 2001-2003.

Who are Airline Workers?


This is often the first or last sentence of a paragraph or text.

What is Main Idea?


The median temperature for Year 2 rounded to the nearest degree.

What is 56 degrees?


This person was described as "he" in this Declaration of Independence excerpt:

What can you infer about who "he" is in this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence?

"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained, and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them."

Who is King George?


This level of government would typically take the lead in funding and overseeing the construction of a new interstate highway that's going to connect multiple states.

What is the Federal Government?


This is the impact of deflation on consumer spending.

What is Decrease?


Examples include the Constitution, the Gettysburg Address, and autobiographies.

What are Primary Sources?


The decade with roughly the same percentage of union membership as 2010.

What is 1900?


According to the passage, the League of Nations was a forerunner for this organization. 

"Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, played an important role in shaping the post-World War I world through his vision for the League of Nations. In his 1918 "14 Points" speech, Wilson proposed the establishment of an international organization to prevent future conflicts and promote global cooperation. The League's Covenant, integrated into the Treaty of Versailles, outlined principles of collective security and diplomatic conflict resolution. Despite Wilson's efforts, the US Senate rejected the treaty in 1920, which led to the country's non-participation in the League. This setback influenced the League's effectiveness, but Wilson's vision laid the foundation for later international collaboration and the eventual creation of the United Nations after World War II."

What is the United Nations?


In this type of democracy, citizens participate in regular elections to choose individuals who will make legislative decisions on their behalf.

What is a Representative Democracy?


According to the passage, this is how a low credit card balance impacts your credit score.

"A credit score is a three-digit number that helps lenders assess how likely you are to repay borrowed money. A credit score is like a financial responsibility grade. The higher the score, the more trustworthy you appear to lenders.

  • Scores typically range from 300 to 850. Higher scores are better.
  • Payment history, credit usage, length of credit history, types of credit, and new credit all impact your score.
  • Lenders use your score to decide if they'll lend you money and what interest rates they'll charge you.

It's important to regularly check your credit report for accuracy and to understand what affects your score. If you need to improve your score, focus on paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and avoiding opening too many new accounts."

What is Lowers?


A wartime poster like this one or other communication that spreads information with the intention of shaping what people think, believe, or do through appealing to emotions, exaggerating, or spreading misinformation.

What is Propaganda?


The range of Year 2 temperatures.

What is 27.8?


According to the passage, this alliance dissolved at the end of the Cold War.

"During the Cold War, the Warsaw Pact and NATO emerged as two opposing military alliances that reflected the deep ideological and political divisions between the Eastern and Western blocs. The creation of these alliances intensified the geopolitical tensions of the Cold War

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed by the Western nations including the United States and its European allies, including West Germany, with the intention to be a collective defense against potential aggression particularly from the Soviet Union. NATO's philosophy was that an attack against one would be an attack against all.

In response to NATO, the Warsaw Pact was established by the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies. This alliance solidified military cooperation and coordination among the communist nations. Unlike NATO, the Warsaw Pact was dissolved at the end of the Cold War."

What is the Warsaw Pact?


This branch of government is responsible for ensuring that laws are constitutional.

What is the Judicial Branch?


This type of economics focuses on national income, unemployment, and inflation.

What are Macroeconomics?


A situation where Event #2 happened after Event #1, but Event #1 didn't cause Event #2.

What is Correlation?


The mode population from a group of American colony settlements: 7 people, 28 people, 55 people, 2 people, 75 people, 89 people, 99 people, 10 people, and 7 people. What is the mode of populations?

What is 7?


According to the passage, this was the initial target region for the Marshall Plan. 

"The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were two components of the United States' strategy to counter the spread of communism and promote the economic recovery of Western Europe during the early years of the Cold War.

The Truman Doctrine was announced by President Harry S. Truman in 1947. It was a policy of containment that aimed to prevent the spread of communism globally promoted by the perceived Soviet threat and the need to support nations resisting communist influence like Greece and Turkey.

The Marshall Plan was proposed by Secretary of State George C. Marshall in 1947. It was an economic recovery initiative for Western Europe that sought to rebuild war-torn economies and prevent the economic conditions that might lead to the spread of communism. 

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were closely linked in their shared objective of containing communism. While the Truman Doctrine focused on the military and political aspects of containment, the Marshall Plan addressed the economic dimension by providing substantial financial aid to help Western European economies rebuild. All of this was born out of the belief that a stable and economically prosperous Europe was essential for preventing the appeal and spread of communism after World War II."

What is Western Europe?


In this type of democracy, citizens gather in a town hall to collectively decide on local policies and budget allocations.

What is a Direct Democracy?


This describes the situation where supply and demand are equal.

What is Equilibrium?


An example of this kind of statement is: "The government's new policy will have a positive impact on the economy."

What is an Opinion?


The mean temperature for November.

What is 50.9 degrees?