GED Basics
GED Grammar
GED Grammar 2
Correct the Sentence
Sports History

How many total minutes to take the RLA GED test? 

150 Minutes 


Is the accepted way that English should be spoken and written. 

Standard English 


Are punctuation marks that go at the end of a sentence. 


List them

End marks


he went to the store by riding they bike

He went to the store by riding his bike. 

This year, he was honored and inducted into the Hall of Fame. 

Kobe Bryant 


How much time do you have in the writing portion of the RLA GED Test? 

45 Minutes


First word in a sentence is always.... 

Every main word in the titles of movies, plays, books, stories, magazines, newspapers, and songs begins with a .....

Short words in titles are not .... 

Proper nouns are always.... 

Titles BEFORE a name are .... Titles AFTER a name are not....

Capitalize / Capitalization


When a sentence is missing a subject or predicate

Sentence Fragment 


mary had a lamb who's little fleece is white as snow?

Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. 

_________ was known for speaking his mind and talking up a storm. But he also typically backed up all the talk inside the ring. The “Rumble in the Jungle” refers to a fight between _____ and undefeated world heavyweight champion George Foreman, which took place on October 30, 1974. ____, who was 32 years old at the time, proved his worth by way of an eighth round knockout victory, reclaiming the title from Foreman. This match received lots of attention globally, and had a full crowd of roughly 60,000 spectators in attendance.

Muhhammad Ali Knocks out George Foreman


True or False. 

All of the questions on RLA GED test are multiple choice.



_____ are used: 

After introductory dependent clauses begining with workds like if, when, because, after, before, although, etc. 

After two or more intoductory phrases 

To separate three or more items in a list. 

To separate two or more words describing a word that follows. 

To separate two independent clauses joined by the words and, but, not, for, or yet

To set off transitional or parenthtical expressions

To set off modifying phrases



Sentences that contain two complete thoughts. 

Run-On and Fused Sentences


Them professor read my paper she said was excellent!

My professor read my paper, and she said it was excellent! 

My professor read my paper. She said it was excellent! 


In the 1989 Chicago vs. Cleveland playoffs, _________ managed to pull the team to victory with perhaps the most legendary shot in basketball history. The skill involved in the shot isn’t what made it famous, but rather the timeliness. The Cavaliers were leading 100-99, with three seconds left of play left. _______ managed to maintain ball control and put away a 3-pointer securing their victory with a final score of 101-100.

Michael Jordan's legendary shot 


What are the 3 themes being tested while taking the RLA GED test? 

1. Your ability to read 

2. Your ability to write 

3. Your ability to understand and use Standard English


1. Seems to modify no word at all

2. modify the wrong word or seem to modify more than one word in a sentence. 

1. Dangling Modifier 

2. Misplaced Modifier

The Various components of a sentence are in the same form. 

Parallel Structure


angie loves singing, dancing, and to perform for Her friends

Angie loves singing, dancing, and performing for her friends. 


______,  with 49 wins in as many fights (including 43 knockouts to his credit), remains the only heavyweight champion in boxing history to retire having won every fight in his professional career. He defended his title six times. Thankfully, unlike many other former champions, the ‘Brockton Blockbuster’ never made a comeback, despite seriously consider doing so in 1959 when Ingemar Johansson won the Heavyweight Championship from Floyd Patterson.

Rocky retires as undefeated.


What does lexicographers do? 

People who create dictionaries. 


When a subject is plural the verb must

When a subject is singular the verb must ....

...verb must be singular

... verb must be plural 


List the 5 Subject- Verb Agreement types 

1. Intervening proposition phrases 

2. Agreement with Linking Verbs 

3. Agreement with Compound Subjects 

4. Agreement in Adjective Clauses 

5. Agreement with Collective Nouns 


my dogs always growls at the mail man 

Sugar and flour is needed for it recipe 

My dogs always growl at the mailman. 

Sugar and flour are needed for this recipe. 


The Nazis had carefully choreographed the 1936 Games to support their ideology of an Aryan race, but hadn’t bargained on the involvement of ______. The American swept all before him to win four titles: the 100m, 200m, long jump, and 4x100m relay. In the long jump, ______ beat the German Luz Long, and after the medal presentation the pair embraced and paraded around the stadium arm-in-arm — which wasn’t exactly the showpiece that Hitler had envisaged!

Jesse Owens wins four gold metals in the 1936 Olympics