Lay of the Land
The People
Key Concepts

One of the most influential and widely used approaches. 

What is person centered counseling? 


An early humanist who described human motivation in terms of a hierarchy of needs. 

Who is Maslow? 


"The dialogic view of reality is that all reality is relating." Growth happens between people and is best promoted in relationship rather through than individual awareness. 

What is dialogic engagement? 


The fundamental instrument of intervention in this type of counseling is the "self" of the counselor; the counselor's way of being in the world. 

What is person centered counseling? 


Accepting differences within the self and between self and the environment. 

What is integrating polarities? (Gestalt)


This distinct strand of existential counseling is based on the belief that life is inherently meaningful. 

What is logotherapy? 


A key figure for bringing existentialism to the United States and applying the ideas in psychotherapy. 

Who is Rollo May? 


These theorists relate to clients in such a way as to maximize their sense of responsibility and independence. 

Who are existential theorists? 


This intervention involves inviting the client to take action in the room by creating a "safe emergency," which may involve having a conversation by speaking aloud to an imagined person.

What is empty chair? (Gestalt)


Hallmark feature of most therapies grounded in humanism and what other philosophical foundation is the counselor's expression of genuine warmth and empathy. 

What is phenomenology? 


A phenomenological approach that emphasizes that people must be understood holistically and contextually. 

What is Gestalt? 


This individual served as a psychiatrist in World War I in the German army, and later moved to Vienna to further study psychoanalysis. 

Who is Fritz Perls? 


The three conditions that the therapist must create in the counseling relationship. 

What is congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy? 


For neurotic and phobic fears, Frankl recommends a technique where the client is invited to imagine and/or intend to have happen that which is feared. 

What is paradoxical intention? 


These counselors see dreams as attempts to integrate parts of the self an/or as an existential message. 

Who are Gestalt counselors? 


These types of approaches are sometimes referred to as experiential approaches. 

What is phenomenological philosophy? 


This theorist identified the four givens of existence: death, freedom, existential isolation, and meaninglessness. 

Who is Irvin Yalom? 


This type of counseling relationship involves the counselor bearing witness to the client's humanity and struggle with the human condition. 

What is the I-Thou Relationship? 


These counselors ask clients to change questions to statements because often questions are disguised statements or demands for support from others. 

Who are Gestalt counselors? (Questions to statements)


This philosophical foundation tends to be the more optimistic, based on the premise that all people tend naturally towards positive growth. 

What is humanism? 


These types of counselors help their clients learn to consciously define themselves and their life rather than feel the victim of circumstance. 

What is existential counseling? 


The necessary and sufficient conditions of personality were identified by what person centered counselor. 

Who is Carl Rogers? 


The person of the counselor, where the counselor uses their whole person hood to make a real and authentic contact with the client, is the primary vehicle of change in this type of counseling. 

What is Gestalt counseling? 


The condition whereby counselor and client are able to discuss the client's present emotional state. 

What is immediacy? 


These serve the purpose of preserving a person's centeredness, sense of self, and ultimately, his or her own existence. 

What are neuroses?