Running a Gel
PCR and REs
Gel Problems
Diagnosing Disorders w/ Gels

What is a DNA profile?

the unique genetic fingerprint of an individual


What does PCR do?

PCR splits the DNA into two single strands and then uses a special enzyme to create complementary strands of the single strands to rapidly multiply and magnify the amount of the DNA.


Who was at the crime scene based on the gel run on the DNA of samples found at the scene and from three persons of interest?


Who is a carrier? Diseased?

Erica is a carrier and Luis is has the disease.


What is the 'gel' in gel electrophoresis?

Agarose gel and a buffer solution


How do REs work?

Restriction enzymes cleave DNA at specific restriction sites. They cut the DNA at these spots and make smaller fragments of DNA.


Who is the mother based on the gel?


Explain the pedigree and gel. How does someone inherit the disease?



How do you prepare a gel?

1. Prepare the agarose and buffer solution and place a comb on either sides of the gel

2. Cast into the tray

3. Let the gel solidify and then remove the combs

4. Place the tray on the gel box

5. Fill the gel box with the buffer so that a thin layer covers it.


What is a RFLP? How are they made?

RFLPs are the fragments created by REs and appear on gels.


What type of species is the sample's DNA from?


If a person must be homozygous to have cystic fibrosis then, based on the gel, which patient has abnormal CS genes?

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How do you load a gel?

The first row on the negative end of the gel is the DNA ladder, with model RFLPs used to determine the length of the DNA samples' RFLPs. The next four or five rows are ones that will have the DNA samples from a disease, or a patient to study the structure of the DNA.

How are PCR, REs, and gel electrophoresis used to create DNA profiles?

With an unknown DNA strand, PCR is used to amplify the specific area that scientists want to study. Then, scientists can use REs to further isolate the specific sequence of nucleotides. These strands can then be run on a gel to determine their fragment lengths.


What is EcoR1's recognition site?



Based on the gel, which person has, doesn't have, or is a carrier for SCD?

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How does gel electrophoresis work?

Because DNA is a negatively charged particle it is loaded in the negative end of the gel so that the fragments will move towards the positive end. The DNA fragments move based on their size; long fragments will move slowly through the pores of the agarose gel while short fragments will move quickly through the gel.


How are PCR and Restriction Enzymes related?

PCR is used to multiply the amount of a given DNA sample. After PCR, restriction enzymes can be used to further isolate the part of the DNA that is supposed to be studied or run for a gel.


What is HaeIII's recognition site?



Based on your previous answer, create the most likely pedigree.

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