Test 1 stuff
Test 2 stuff
Test 3 stuff
Test 4 stuff

What is the first step in the scientific method? 

Ask a question or make an observation 


How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?

23 pairs 


Who had a job on a ship named the HMS Beagle and went on a journey around the world to report on natural resources?

Charles Darwin


What kind of body symmetry does a jellyfish have?

Radial symmetry


Who was the first one to see living cells under a microscope?

Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek


What are the four organic macromolecules?

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids 


What is the end product of mitosis?

two identical cells 


What are the three domains of life 

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya 


What are the three kinds of population distributions?

Clumped, Uniform, Random


What is apoptosis

programmed cell death


Shortly explain photosynthesis and cellular respiration; focus on the differences. 

Photosynthesis uses light/solar energy and converts it to chemical energy. Cellular respiration organisms take glucose from those that photosynthesize. 


How do bacteria asexually reproduce? 

Binary fission


What kind of genetic material can viruses have?

DNA or RNA, never both of them at the same time 


Name an example of a Density Dependent limiting factor and an example of a density independent limiting factor. 

Density dependent: competition for resources between squirrels

Density independent: Hurricane 


Who is the father of genetics? 

Gregor Mendel


What are the two types of cells and basic characteristic of them?

Prokaryotic cell: DO NOT contain a membrane bound nucleus 

Eukaryotic cell: Has a membrane bound nucleus 


What event occurs during prophase 1 of meiosis which helps genetic variation occur? 

Crossing over 


What are the rules of the binomial naming system we use for scientific names

Both are in italics, always in latin, first word is the genus and is capitalized, second word is the specific epithet (species) and is always lowercase 


What are the three types of survivorship curves and the main characteristic of them. 

Type 1: mortality is highest late in life

Type 2: death rate of population does not vary much with age

Type 3: death rate for population peaks early in life 


What are the two kinds of tumors possible for a person with cancer? 

Benign and Malignant 


Explain the cell theory to me

All organisms are composed of cells, cells are the basic units of structure and function in the organism, cells come only from preexisting cells and are self-reproducing. 


What kind of mutation is the most dangerous? 

Frameshift mutations 


Name one example of each of these: a Bryophyte, a vascular seedless plant, a vascular seed plants 

Bryophyte: moss, liverworts, hornworts

Vascular seedless plant: club mosses, ferns 

Vascular seed plants: Gymnosperms, angiosperms, any flowers or trees- don't need to be super specific for this one. 


Name one animal in each of the 9 phylum's we talked about. (Porifera, Cnidarian, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelids, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Chordata)

Various answers, I will check them


Name two of the five things that have to be true for genetic equilibrium to occur? 

mutations never occur, the population is infinitely large, the population is isolated from all other populations of the species (no one enters or leaves), mating is random, natural selection does not occur