President Nelson
Conference Stories
Teachings for Youth
Funny Moments

What does President Nelson suggest we do to know what is true and what is not over the next 6 months?

Study the words of the church leaders from this conference.


Elder Alvarado in Saturday Evening session shared a story of a woman that was robbed. The bag he stole had a Book of Mormon. What happened with the robber in this story?

He wrote her a sincere apology, begging her to forgive him, and sharing his testimony of the Book of Mormon as a book from God that changed his life.


Elder Wilcox on Sunday Morning asked this question. Why are Latter-day Saint youth different and what sets them apart? What was his answer?

You are "children of the covenant", not just a child of God. you are "youth of the noble birthright" because of covenants we make with God that others do not make. You're part of the crew, not just a passenger.

In the Saturday Evening session, Elder Gong told about having a dad joke contest recently. Who did Elder Gong face off with?

AI "in the style of Garrett W. Gong"


How many temples were announced by President Nelson?

17 new temples. "Why? Because the Lord has instructed us to do so"


Armed robbers put a gun to President Nelson's head and pulled the trigger. What happened? Also, what did President and Sister Nelson feel in that moment?

1. The gun didn't go off (Can't kill God's prophet if He doesn't want you to_

2. They felt peace


Talking about the upcoming Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City, Elder Stevenson spoke to the youth as the "rising generation". What did he say to the youth about the upcoming decade?

This upcoming decade will be especially important for youth. Consider your four divinely appointed responsibilities.


Elder Patrick Kearon comically showed us what we sometimes picture reverence being. What did he do to show us?

Folded his arms tightly, closed his eyes, bowed his head, and "holding still, indefinitely".


According to the prophet, every sincere seeker will find what in the temple?

1. Jesus Christ

2. Answers to life's most vexing questions.


Sister Yee spoke about a painting of Jesus that she worked very hard to create. What mistake did she think she made that ended up making the picture better?

She put clear-coat varnish on while the painting was still wet. The next day, the painting was better than before.


Sister Emily Freeman (YW President) shared three things she wants EVERY young woman to know. Name at least one of them.

1) Who you are and who's you are

2) Lord gives you purpose

3) Lord prepares you for inner sanctification and exaltation


During the Saturday Afternoon session, what external thing was bugging a few of the speakers at the pulpit?

A fly