Who is stationed by the ear of corn?
What does SAE stand for?
Supervised Agricultural Experience
_____ for tots
True or False: can corn grow in all 50 states of the country?
Emma Jeffrey
What are the official FFA colors?
National Blue and Corn Gold
What was the showcase for?
CTE interest/8th graders
what is the dollar amount one pledge is worth for Project Linus.
Name another "vegetable" that's really a fruit other than a tomato
Whats Josh's favorite soda?
Dr. Pepper
What does the plow represent?
"Labor and tillage of the soil"
Who were the members of the month?
Abram and Gloria
When is the course information night?
January 9th/Thursday
What is a female sheep called?
What's the name of Emily's steer?
Name all 4 FFA degrees
Greenhand, Chapter, State, American
When was the sectional movie night?
Dec 5th
Name 3 speaking competitions offered at super Saturday.
Creed, El credo, impromptu, extemporaneous, job interview, prepared.
What is the #1 most sold cut flower in the world?
a rose
How many of our officers are also sectional officers?
What is the FFA motto?
"Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, Living to serve"
What hats were the advisors wearing in the Christmas? parade?
Christmas trees.
Who does Project Linus help?
Temprarily Displaced Youth/Less Fortunate Youth
What is a group of goats called?
A tribe