The Neuron
Lower Brain
Upper Brain
The Cortex

This system consists of the brain and spinal cord

The Central Nervous System


This part of the neuron takes in messages from outside with chemical messages

The Dendrites


This part of the brain is wrapped around the very end of the spinal cord and handles involuntary movements like blinking, digestion, and breathing

The Pons


This is the master gland, it controls hormones and signals the body to start puberty

Pituitary Gland


This is the very human part of the brain where we do all our complex thinking, the very outer layer of the brain

The Cerebral Cortex


These chemicals, like testosterone and human-growth are spread through the body in the blood stream, controlled by the pituitary gland



this long tail of a neuron carries the electrical signal all the way from the soma to the terminal buds

The Axon


This very end of the spinal cord is super important to keep you alive, it controls heartbeat and breathing!

The Medulla Oblongata 


This brain part is important in causing the fear response and forming memories from emotional events.  That's why Mr. J remembers so well when he was bit by a dog when he was a kid, it was scary!

The Amygdala


This lobe sits at the front of the brain and handles complex judgement, decision making, and motor movements

Frontal Lobe


This is the system of nerves that stretches out from the spinal cord and reaches the whole body, all the way to the very outside of the body, the tips of the toes

Peripheral nervous system


These are the chemical messages neurons use to communicate with each other



This is the "little brain" at the very back of the brain, it mostly helps with movement, coordination, and muscle memory. 

The cerebelllum


This seahorse shaped brain part helps create memories, and moves them from short term to long term memories

The Hippocampus


This lobe, at the very back of the brain, handles most of the visual information we receive with our eyes

The Occipital Lobe


This system sends messages slowly throughout the body using hormones

Endocrine system


This part of the neuron releases neurotransmitters into the synapse when it receives an electrical signal

Terminal Buds


This cup shaped part of the brain is the relay station for all information coming from the senses going to the rest of the brain

The Thalamus


Right below the thalamus sits this part that helps maintain homeostasis by regulating hunger, thirst, and body temperature

The Hypothalamus


This lobe is on the side of our brain, and handles everything we hear, from the opposite side ear of course!

Temporal Lobe


This system moves your skeletal muscles all around your whole body

Somatic nervous system


This neurotransmitter is released when a painful event occurs.  It's main job is to dull the feeling of pain, and looks similar to morphene



This bundle of nerves travels through the medulla and pons, up into the thalamus, and helps us maintain alertness and wakefulness and filters stimuli

Reticular Formation


This part of the brain is cut in split-brain patients to relieve their epilepsy.  It acts as a bridge between the two hemispheres of the brain

The Corpus Callosum


This region in the left frontal lobe is specific to creating speech.  Without this part, we can't understand word written or spoken

Broca's Area