Workplace harassement & statistics
Sexual assault, harassment & statistics
Domestic violence, abuse & homelessness

The reason why women do not always report sexual harassment in the workplace.

What is fear of retaliation?


The global statistic that shows women around the world are uncomfortable in public spaces.

What is 9 in 10 women ?


Name 2 ways you can help homelessness.

What is speaking out and donating to shelters ?

The number of years it will take to close the gender gap.

What is 108 years ?


Name one of the amounts a woman makes for one white man dollar.

What is 82 cents (white women), 62 cents (black women), 57 cents (native women), 54 cents (Latina women)?


The age group that sexual harassment rates rise to a certain percent. (2 things)

What is the ages between 18-24 and 86% ?


The rate that indigenous women are more likely to be raped/sexually assaulted.

What is 3x more likely ?


The percent of Indignous women and girls that live in poverty.

What is 34 % ?


Three steps towards gender equality in the workplace.

What is Provide training on unconscious bias, Eliminate barriers for women to enter high-wage occupations and Have a clear policy on discrimination and sexual harassment?


How the Canadian Women Foundation describes sexual harassment and abuse.

What is “Sexual assault and harassment are persistent forms of gender-based violence that are rooted in gender inequality.” ?


Although women only make up __% of the homeless population in Canada, almost __% of all families in shelters are headed by women.

What is 27% and 90% ?

The year since the rates of sexual assault have stayed relatively unchanged in Canada.

What is the year 1999 ?


Women of color make up only __% of entry-level roles and __% of C-Suite positions.

What is 17% and 4%?


Name 3 ways you can help prevent sexual harassment/abuse.

What is understanding consent, speaking out, stp victim blaming, rape prevention week at high schools, etc. ?


Homeless and Women’s shelters really appreciate when you donate these items.

What are Feminine Hygiene products ?


The amount of countries that give women equal legal work rights as men.

What are 6 countries ?


What gender equality in the workplace should look like (4 things).

What is equal pay for equal work, each gender can fully participate in the workplace, equal opportunities for each gender to achieve leadership positions, acceptance rather than discrimination against those who have caregiving and family responsibilities, a strict policy on discrimination and sexual harassment?




Why wouldn’t it be a fear seeing as women were __ times more likely than men to be victims of a police-reported sexual assault in ____. While, yes, both men and women face sexual assault, women made up __% of the police reported assaults that year.

What is 10 times, 2008, 92% ?


There needs to be more shelters for women coming out of ______. 

What is an abusive relationships ?


Every _____ somewhere in the world an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence.

(Bonus: calculate how many that is a year)

What is every 10 minutes ?