Gender Role Expectations
Gender Roles at Home
Gender Roles at Work

Which gender has "traditional roles, such as being the (emotionally distant) head of the family, while for others masculinity may revolve around protecting the larger community, or being closely involved with child-rearing." (Cohen, 2021)?

Men. Stereotypically speaking, we tend to think of men to be less emotional beings than women. We have this idea that men aren't supposed to cry and be strong not only physically but emotionally. 


Which gender fits this description. "Takes much more responsibility for household duties reflects a traditional or conservative pattern of gender roles..." (Axmon & Eek, 2014). 

A woman. As we have seen over time, women take more of the household duties. Now things have evolved and women can perform in other areas of life. However, this stereotypical view is still an issue in society. 


Personal experience:

Identify what follows the norm. 

I work at Starbucks as a barista, my brother owns a window washing company. 

Men are known for hard earned labor, creating businesses, and performing more physically. 


Define Gender inequality

According to our textbook gender inequality proves the, "interaction that reflects mens dominant position over women." (Cohen, 2021). When we think about gender inequality, we simply think of the ways that genders are not treated or seen equally. The reoccurring issue that we have faced in history is the fact that men tend to dominate women, in the home and at work. 


Which doctrine was responsible for ensuring "women were to make the home a haven, a sanctuary from the harsh realities of the industrial economy in which men worked for pay..." (Cohen, 2021)?

The Separate spheres doctrine that happened after the industrial revolution. Women were meant to provide relaxation to their husbands after a hard day at work with a neat and cared for home. 


What does this image represent? 

The image presented demonstrates a stereotypical career choice for women, nursing. "You will notice that the occupations women dominate are often in some way similar to the work women do-or did -without pay at home for their families. Child care, nursing, and teaching..." (Cohen, 2021). 


What is the process called that "Beginning in the 1970s, feminist researchers demonstrated that gender inequality is central to family life. In fact, one reason many of these researchers were reluctant to speak of “the family” is because the experiences of men and women (or boys and girls) may be so different. Feminists showed that if the family arena is where boys and girls learn to be boys and girls (and men and women), it is also where those gender roles are created unequal, with men in the dominant position." (Cohen, 2021)?

Socialization. Socialization is the act of assigning roles to genders within the house hold. It is where we learn to be our genders, which is also where the problem on inequality comes from. 


Which gender experiences "more unequal distribution of responsibility for household duties show[ing] significantly higher levels of perceived stress, fatigue, physical/psychosomatic symptoms and work–family conflict..." (Axmon & Eek, 2015)?

Women. Due to the pattern we have seen around this topic, because of the unequal distribution of responsibilities, women are left more tired and stressed. 


Which gender is "more likely to do jobs that are not closely associated with domestic work (such as driving trucks)." (Cohen, 2021)?



Which group "argues that gender inequality is central to family life, that family structure is socially constructed rather than natural, and that family experiences for men and women differ according to race/ethnicity and social class. Gender Identity and gender inequality are core principles of social life." (Cohen, 2021)? 

The Feminists groups. Feminist groups call out this gender injustice. They recognize that this inequality is something that was constructed by us. Which means, it will also need to be fixed by us. 


Personal experience: Identify what is out of the norm. 

My parents are married, however my father tends to do more of the laundry and cook dinners most nights, while also working full time during the day. 

My father is tending to the house work, that normally women would be expected to do. 


Are men and women's wages the same?

There is analysis that "demonstrates the gender gap in earnings, while marketization exacerbates this gap.These findings suggest that the socialist state push for introducing more market mechanisms in the planned economy seems to have a negative impact on women's wages." (Lup et al., 2018).


Which gender has more of an influence in society?

Men. "Gender categories and roles serves male-dominated society; because men have more influence over social rules, they set the standards to serve their interests." (Cohen, 2021). People typically listen to a mans voice and because of that they have more of an influence on society. 


This image below is a perfect example of what women are expected to do at home. Taking care of the day to day tasks, such as vacuuming, and also tending to the children. 


What gender dominates the following fields?

- Electricians

- Construction Laborers

- Ground keepers

- Truck drivers

- Construction managers

Male-dominated fields

(See the image from Chapter 5 in the textbook titled 'How does gender affect the workplace?'). (Cohen, 2021).