Different Treatment
Combating the Issue

$488.5 million and $172.5 million

How much did the top 10 highest paid actors and actresses of 2017 earn?


Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 

What are some classic Disney movies with gender stereotypes?


Movement against sexual harassment and the gender pay gap

What is Time's Up?


12% of movie casts

What percent of movie casts had a balance between genders?


Wonder Woman, Hunger Games, Moana, Brave

What are some modern movies that defy classic gender stereotypes?


Highest paid actress, spoke up on the American Hustle pay gap issue

Who is Jennifer Lawrence?


$80 a day, amounting to less than $1,000

How much did Michelle Williams receive for All the Money in the World reshoots?


A mindset about what activities, traits, entertainment, they should have based on what their gender is

What are the effects of gender stereotypes on children?


Donated reshoot fees to Time’s Up after pay outrage

What did Mark Wahlberg do in response to the All the Money in the World reshoot situation?


The percent of no female writers or directors in the top 250 films of 2017

What is 89%?


Classics such as Grease, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Sixteen Candles, Swiss Family Robinson

What are classic movies with gender stereotypes?


Website that awards movies and shows that combat gender stereotypes

What is Common Sense Media?


The difference between the top 10 highest paid actors and the top 10 highest paid actresses in the film industry in 2013

What is $284 million? 


A Disney movie containing gender stereotypes where the girl suffers because she doesn't come from a nuclear family, and is made to do the housework until she is rescued by a man, who solves all her problems

What is Cinderella?


Spoke up on the gender pay gap in her Academy Award speech

Who is Patricia Arquette?