Stereotypes and Discrimination
Pay Gap Across Regions
Prevention and Policies

Mention one stereotypical characteristic associated with women in health care

Kind, Helpful, Nurturing, Emotional...


Do men or women take more risks in their employment



Who is the gender pay gap in favour for? Men or Women?



What type of programs aim to empower women with education, training, and mentorship to advance their careers and achieve equal pay in the workplace?

Prevention Programs


Mention some of the barriers that women face at the workplace

Lack of resources and opportunities for career advancement, lack of female role models, harassment, assumptions of being less competent...


Do women get placed in lower or higher power and paying positions

lower power and paying


Can you share an interesting fact you learned about the gender pay gap in the Health care sector?

Good job!

Which legislative measures and reporting initiatives are designed to promote fairness and transparency in compensation, aiming to bridge the gap between genders in the workplace?"

Wage Equality Efforts


Mention some of the gender differences seen at an educational stage

Women reach lower academic levels and receive less funding, medical research primarily involves male participants, neglecting the medical needs of women, underrepresentation of female researchers...


What is a speciality that is mainly women

Nursing, family medicine, OBGYN


What is the common theme for the gender pay gap and the occupations in healthcare industry? What occupations show a larger gender pay gap in the healthcare industry?

The is a common theme for the pay gap is to widen as we move from lower to higher positions and wage distribution. ie. Physicians and Surgeons vs Nurses


what does Legislative measures refer to:                   A.  laws enacted by governments to mandate equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender                    B. The law of Gravity                                              C. Laws made to protect each other

laws enacted by governments to mandate equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender


Why do women rarely seek help for mental illness?

Due to lack of time, shame, stigma and fear of being judged


Do female physicians receive more or less referrals than male physicians 


What is the estimated global gender gap gap that women encounter?

After considering factors such age, education, occupational category, on average women make 24-28 % less than their male peers globally.


which is a a example of a prevention Program: 

Swot Analysis or Cooperate Accountability initiatives

Cooperate Accountability initiatives


What does “motherhood penalty” mean?

Motherhood has been proven to punish women. Motherhood affects not only their income (due to loss of work), but also their ability to advance.


What is majority of women's first choice for residency out of medical school

Family Medicine

In the unexplained portion of the gender pay gap, give me 1 example of a factor that can contribute to the gap. 

The remaining pay difference of 11.2% could be attributable to a wide range of factors, including women’s underrepresentation in senior positions, fewer opportunities for career advancement, and gender discrimination (such as the motherhood gap).


which is a Policy to Combat Wage Gaps:

Legislative Measures or PQMW Initiative 

Legislative Measures