How many legs does a spider have?
What is 8
In which country would you find the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
How many sides does a triangle have?
Which one is for countable:
a few, a little, many, much
a few, many
Which is the only mammal that can fly?
What is the full name of the USA?
The United States of America
How many continents are there on Earth?
What is the past simple of go
What animal can turn its neck a complete round?
What is an owl?
What is the capital city of China?
The only fruit that has seeds outside in the skin
What is the meaning of overcrowded
Something, a place, full of people
What is the smallest breed of dog?
The Chihuahua.
Name two countries in the UK
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
What is the chemical symbol for the element gold?
Correct the mistake
I needed to eat a apple today because my mom told me
a - an
I needed to eat an apple today because my mom told me
Which is the tallest animal in the world?
What is the name of the biggest ocean on Earth?
The Pacific Ocean
Name two animals that went extinct
Dinosaurs, wolly mammoths, dodo birds, etc
Correct the mistake.
I didn't went to the party yesterday
went --> go
I didn't go to the party yesterday
Which is the fastest animal?
Which is colder: The North Pole or the South Pole?
The South Pole
Who discovered the concept of gravity?
Sir Isaac Newton
Name three types of plural noun without "s"
Children, fish, water