Key components to understanding hair, skin & nails
Why study general anatomy & physiology?
Basic unit of all living cells, bacteria, plants, Animals & humans
What are cells?
Collection of similar cells that perform a particular function?
What are tissues?
Structures composed of specific tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants & animals
What are organs?
Forms the physical foundation of the body
What is the skeletal system?
Proper application of services & products for scalp & facials
What is muscle structure of the human body?
Colorless, jelly-like substance in which proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, & water are present
What is a protoplasm?
Carries messages to & from the brain, controls all body functions
What are nerve tissue?
Organ that send nerve impulses to and from this organ to perform a response
What is the Brain?
Cranium & facial skeleton
What are the bones of the skull?
The study of the human body structures seen with the naked eye
What is Anatomy?
Cell reproduction forming new cells for growth & replacement of worn or injured cells
What is mitosis!
Contract & moves various parts of the body
What is muscle tissue?
The blood Moves through this body system
What is the circulatory system?
Occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal, ethmoid, & sphenoid bones are found
What is the crainium?
The study of the functions and activities performed
What is Physiology?
2 identical cells are known as
What are daughter cells?
Protective covering on body surfaces
What is epithelial tissue?
The system responsible for offsprings
What is reproductive system?
14 bones make up
What are the bones of the face?
If I watch a show what bone is it named after
What is the Neck?
U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue
What is the hyoid bone?
7 bones make up the top part of the vertebrae column
What is the cervical vertebrae?
Adam gave it 1 so how many ribs did Eve have
What is 12 (pair)
boney cage that protects the heart, lungs and internal organs
What is the thorax?