Serious crimes that can punished to prison for a year or more or death
What are the two special categories of crime?
WHAT IS: Treason and Espionage
What is Espionage?
What is spying for gathering secret information without permission or authorization?
How many feet are in a mile?
WHAT IS: 5,280 miles
what are Misdemeanors?
Relatively minor crimes
How long are you imprisoned and fined for committing treason?
WHAT IS: More than 5 years and $10,000.
Unwanted surveillance is considered espionage T or F
What is true?
Who was the first ever Batman?
WHO IS: Lewis Wilson
Under the common law, you could be sentenced to what? (felonies)
prison, property confiscated, or both
What crimes are included as infractions?
WHAT IS: Jaywalking, Spitting on the Sidewalk, Littering, and committing certain traffic violations.
What year was the Sedition Act?
What is 1918?
Where is a shrimp's heart located?
If you commit a misdemeanor crime what sentence can you be given?
a fine and supervised probation
What proof is needed to convict a person of treason?
WHAT IS: A testimony of 2 witnesses to the specific act or in confession in open court.
What is 1917?
What is the only planet to spin clockwise?
WHAT IS: Venus
What are some privileges that the people given felonies lose?
voting, running for public office, owning firearm, etc
Failure to pay the fine or appear in court can result in a _____.
WHAT IS: Misdemeanor.
What is 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine?
What color do Bananas glow when under black lights?