Essential Concepts
Dimensional Analysis
Significant Figures
Classification of Matter/ Measurements
Define Density.
Density is the ratio of mass to volume.
Change 2,300 dm to pm
2.3x10^14 pm
What qualifies as a significant figure? (four qualifications)
All non-zeros are significant All "sandwiched" zeros are significant All zeros to the right are significant All zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit are not significant
What are two two ways chemists classify matter.
Substances or mixtures
What is wrong with this definition? Chemistry is the study of mathematics and the changes that happen because of mathematics.
Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
Change g/ml to kg/m^3
1000 kg/m^3
What are the rules of significant figures for addition/ subtraction, and multiplication/ division?
Addition/ subtraction- least number of decimals in the problem Multiplication/ division- Smallest number of significant figures.
Draw a picture to represent the difference in homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
Open for interpretation.
Compare and contrast extensive and intensive properties and give one example of each.
The measured value of an extensive property depends on the amount of matter ex. mass and length. The measured value of an intensive property does not depend on the amount of matter, ex. density and temperature.
What is being measured by kg/m^3?
What is 7.004+12.3476
What are the three states of matter and describe their properties in a container.
Solid, holds its own shape Liquid, takes the shape of the container Gas, fills the entire container
Quickly create a short skit to demonstrate precision vs. accuracy.
Open for interpretation.
What is wrong with this question? 5g x 1000kg/g = 5000kg
The conversion is incorrect. The correct conversion is 1kg/1000g.
What are the SI base units for length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity?
meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela
Classify each of the following as a physical property or a chemical property, and describe the difference in a chemical and physical property. A) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. B)Oxygen supports combustion. C) Helium is less dense than air. D) Uranium combines with fluorine to form a gas.
A physical property is a property that can be observed or measured with out changing the identy of the origional substance. A chemical property are properties that can be observed with a chemical undergoes a chemical change. A) physical B) chemical C) physical D) chemical
Fred is trying to find a more simple way to construct a toy car. How could he use dimensional analysis to his favor in finding new ways to construct the car with out using all of his materials?
Use a scale model drawing.. open for other suggestions..
Which data set is accurate, and which is precise? explain. 6 10 true value is 10 7 20 8 15 7 11 7 44 7 2
the first set is precise because the values are all very close together, the second is accurate because it contains the true value, however the second is not precise.
What are the SI prefixes and the amount the correspond to?
Terra- 1x10^12 Giga-1x10^9 Mega-1x10^6 Kilo -1x10^3 Deci -1x10^-1 Centi -1x10^-2 Milli -1x10^-3 Micro-1x10^-6 Nano-1x10^-9 ~Angstrom-1x10^-10 (not SI, but good to know) Pico-1x10^-12