1st Presidency
12 apostles
Who said it

According to President Eyring, what is "One of the surest ways to avoid even getting near false doctrine"?

Choose to be simple in our teaching. Understand and know the Doctrine of Christ.
“Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end blesses all of God’s children.”


According to Elder Kearon where should our job as a people be more apparent, when we are gathered together?

Sacrament Meeting, or Sunday Meetings

Sabbath to worship “the Source of all joy.”


The number of temples announced, in construction or in operation prior to conference beginning



It is proposed that we sustain Russel Marion Nelson as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Henry B. Iring


The color of the Ties worn by the men in the Tabernacle choir on Sunday morning



President Nelson invited us to devote time each week to increase our understanding of what?

The Atonement of Jesus Christ


Elder Christofferson stated; ‘May we bury — very, very deep — any element of rebellion against God in our lives and replace it with a willing heart and a willing mind’.

What people did he tell the story about, to demonstrate this principle, from the Book of Mormon?

Anti-Nephi Lehi, or the People of Ammon


The number of new temples announced in this conference



Just being in the presence of the Son of God and hearing his voice is enough to send antagonists stumbling into retreat and wishing they were assigned kitchen duty.

Jeffrey R Holland


He who said "Look for what the prophets see in the future for us?"

Brother Johnson


President Dallin H. Oaks shared that the Lord compares covenants to "which hold us in place against mortal winds", to which part of the kite?

Kite's String holds it in place, "against mortal winds"


What explosive substance did Elder Renlund compare the Savior's Gospel and His Church to, that will bring power into your life?



According to Jeffrey R Holland, what does participating in the ordinances of the temple characterize in us and reveal about us

Our Love of Jesus Christ and of or fellowmen


Any Device, even one with artificial intelligence, will never be as important or significant as the spiritual guidance that comes from divine revelation.

Quinton L Cook


The choir that sang at the Saturday Afternoon session

Children's Chior of Northern Utah


According to President Dallin H. Oaks, what provides a Guiding and Steading Force in our lives?

God's Commandments


Elder Stevenson shared the following: Events over the next 10 years will result “in extraordinary opportunities to serve, to unite with members and friends, and to introduce The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to more people than ever before.”

What simple activities did can we do to "share the glad tidings" of the Gospel?

Simple activities of living, caring, inviting and uniting’


the number of temples announced and constructed while President Nelson has been the prophet



the branches of your testimony will draw strength from your deepening the roots of your faith in Father in Heaven and his beloved son, Jesus Christ.

Deiter F Uctdorf


He said "something brought out in conference will challenge you and your testimony"

Brother Larson


Which member of the 1st Presidency had a gun held to their head, the trigger pulled, but the gun didn't' shoot?

President Nelson, while traveling with his Wife Wendy Nelson on a church assignement.


Elder Anderson listed 5 ways we can build our faith. What are 3 ways?

Prayer, Temple Covenants, Keeping the Commandments, Continually Feasting on Scriptures and the Words of Modern-Day Prophets, Taking the Sacrament and Worshipping weekly with Fellow Saints


According to President Nelson, Why are we increasing the pace in temple building.

Because the Lord has instructed us to do so.


Mortality works.  We must expect to be schooled and taught, even to our utter limits. 

Brook P Hales


Dieter F Uchtdorf pumped the organ bellows with all strength so the organ would not run out of wind in this chapel in Germany.

Zwickau Chapel