Who am I?
Who Said it?

I was ordained an apostle on October 2, 2004.  I was chief pilot for Luthansa German Airlines.  I was born in Czechoslovika but lived most of my life in Germany. 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf


The Lord impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He decreed for His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Russell M Nelson


How long will church be beginning in January? 

How long will sacrament meeting be?

2 Hours

60 Minutes


I was called to be an apostle on April 7, 1984.  Before I was an apostle I was a heart surgeon.  I have 9 daughters and one son.  I play the organ and the piano. 

Russell M. Nelson


Our forgiving and forsaking offenses, old or new, is central to the grandeur of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I testify that ultimately such spiritual repair can only come from our divine Redeemer. 

Jeffrey R. Holland


What is the name of the Church?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 


I was ordained an apostle in 1985.  Both of my grandfaters were apostles and my great-granfather was Pres. Joseph F. Smith.  I enjoy fishing and fixing things. 

M. Russell Ballard


May I suggest that discipleship begins with three simple words: believe, love, and do.

Deiter F Uchtdorf


Name at least 1 thing that Pres. Nelson challenged the women of the church to do?

1. 10-day social media fast

2. Read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. 

3. Establish a pattern of regular temple attendance.

4. Participate fully in Relief Society.


I was ordained an apostle in 1984.  My first job was sweeping out a radio repair shop.  I was a Law Clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. I enjoy fishing and camping.  I have six children. 

Dallin H Oaks


When we seek the truth about religion, we should use spiritual methods appropriate for that search: prayer the witness of the Holy Ghost, and study of the scriptures and the words of modern prophets. 

Dallin H Oaks


What temple will be renovated?

Salt Lake


I was ordained an apostle in April 2018.  I was born in Redwood City California.  I served a mission in Taiwan.  I received a Mater of Philosophy degree and a doctorate in international relations from Oxford University I have four children.  

Gerrit W. Gong


The historic adjustments announced today have only one overarching purpose: to strengthen faith in Heavenly Father and His Plan and in His Son Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

David A Bednar


Name 2 Locations of New Temples

Argentina, Brazil, California, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Guam, Pueblo Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, San Juan Puerto Rico, Washington County, Utah