Invitations to Act
4 things Sister Burton said to do at the end of her talk.
What is... 1) let’s ask ourselves, “What if their story were my story?” 2) May we then seek inspiration, 3) act on impressions we receive, and 4) reach out in unity to help those in need as we are able and inspired to do so
President Eyring said "If you listen with the Spirit," three things were promised. Name one.
What is 1) your heart will be softened, 2) your faith will be strengthened and 3) your capacity to love the Lord will be increased
The First Presidency invited individuals, families, and Church units to participate in Christlike service in local refugee relief projects and to contribute to the Church humanitarian fund, where practical.
What is A letter from the First Presidency on Oct 27, 2015
According to President Eyring... this will transform your experience in the conference sessions and in the days and months that follow.
What is pray with full purpose of heart.