Remember This Talk?

Elder Gary E. Stevenson called this holiday our "greatest festival"



In the October 2022 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson told us to "seek and expect" these. In the April 2023 General Conference, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf urged to never give up on these.



President Camille N. Johnson spoke of a metaphorical backpack in which we carry rocks that weigh us down. What did the rocks represent?

  • Rocks there of our own doing because of sin.

  • Rocks in our backpack because of the poor decisions, misconduct, and unkindness of others.

  • And rocks we carry because we are living in a fallen condition. These include the rocks of disease, pain, chronic illness, grief, disappointment, loneliness, and the effects of natural disasters.


Elder Allen D. Haynie said when he was a small boy he turned on the tv expecting to see a cartoon but instead saw this president of the church speaking in conference

David O. Mckay


Elder Ronald A. Rasband taught the the following 4  "eternal doctrines that weave through His ministry concluding in Jerusalem."

1. Prophecy

2. The Companionship of the Holy Ghost

3. Discipleship

4. The Atonement of Jesus Christ


President Bonnie H. Cordon said we should never give up an opportunity to ____________ of Christ



Elder Randall K. Bennett and Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita both spoke about these revelatory individualized blessings

Patriarchal blessings


Elder Dale G. Renlund spoke about a phenomenon on the Amazon River called pororoca, or “great roar,” What was this phenomenon and what principle did he use it to teach?

When the sun, moon, and earth are aligned just so, a powerful tidal wave flows up the Amazon River, against the natural flow of the water. Waves up to 6 meters high traveling as far as 50 kilometers upstream have been observed.

He taught that like the river, we tend to do what comes naturally, but with Heavenly Father's help we to can accomplish things that do not come naturally.


In his talk, "Peacemakers Needed", President Nelson related a story of one of the attending physicians in a surgery he was participating in became frustrated and threw an infectious scalpel. Where did it land?

On President Nelson's forearm (he was not infected)

What 3 different commands did Elder Mark W. Bassett point out that Jesus said during when he raised Lazarus from the dead?

He first said to those who were there, “Take ye away the stone.” 

Second, the Lord “cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.” 

Third, when Lazarus did come forth, he was “bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.”


President described these 2 Counselors of his First Presidency as "exemplary in the way they express their feelings—especially when they may differ. They do so with pure love for each other. Neither suggests that he knows best and therefore must rigorously defend his position. Neither evidences the need to compete with the other. Because each is filled with charity, “the pure love of Christ,”

President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring


Elder Peter F. Meurs, Elder Gary E. Stevenson, President Bonnie H. Cordon, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Russel M. Nelson all all spoke about, quoted from or encouraged us to read this specific chapter of the Book of Mormon.

3 Nephi 11


Elder Vern P. Stanfield used an analogy about watching his dad harvest grain when he was a young boy to illustrate that our sincere, but imperfect efforts are accepted by the Lord, because he will perfect those efforts. In his example what happened to the kernels of grain that were missed by the harvester?

They were all eaten by Geese, Swans, and Ducks as they migrated south. (Nothing was wasted).


Elder Carl B. Cook shared a story of a sister attending a Sunday Relief Society meeting feeling tired and discouraged.  "She felt like she didn’t measure up—or even belong—so she got up and left, planning to never return to church again. Walking to her car, she felt a distinct impression that told her to do what?

“Go into the chapel and listen to the sacrament meeting speaker.” 

She questioned the prompting but felt it again strongly, so she went into the meeting. The message was just what she needed.


Name 2 of the 5 truths President Henry B. Eyring taught about receiving Peace

1. The gift of peace is given after we have the faith to keep His commandments.

2. the Holy Ghost will come and abide with us. 

3. the Savior promises that as we keep our covenants, we can feel the love of the Father and the Son for each other and for us. 

4. keeping the Lord’s commandments requires more than obedience. We are to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and soul. 

5. the Lord loved us enough to pay the price of our sins so that we can—through our faith in Him and our repentance, through the effects of His Atonement—have the gift of the peace that “passeth all understanding,” in this life and with Him eternally. 


This Apostle's talk consisted of 53 quotes of words Christ said as recorded in various books of scripture.

President Dallin H. Oaks


Speaking about temple work, Elder Benjamin de Hoyos quoted what the angel Elijah said to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, “Behold, the time has fully come, which was spoken of by the mouth of Malachi—testifying that he [Elijah] [the prophet] should be sent, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord come—" What had Elijah come to do?

“To turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers, lest the whole earth be smitten with a curse"


While speaking about the parable of the wise man who built his house upon the rock Elder Evan A. Schmutz said "Jesus did not speak of the _________ of rain and flood and wind in our lives; He spoke of the ________ that storms will arise. The variable in this parable is not whether storms will come but how we have responded to His loving invitation to both hear and do what He has taught. There is no other way to survive. 




When M. Russell Ballard was dating his future wife Barbara, he related "she was uncertain that marriage to me was right for her."

"It wasn’t enough for me to know; Barbara needed to know for herself. I knew if we spent time fasting and praying about the matter, Barbara could receive a confirmation from heaven."

What did they do and what was the result?

"We spent a weekend without dating so we could fast and pray individually to know for ourselves. Fortunately for me, she received the same confirmation that I did. The rest, as they say, is history."


A new Presidency was called for one of the organizations of the church. which one and can you remember any of it's newly called members?

The new General Young Women's Presidency (effective Aug 1, 2023):

Emily Belle Freeman: President, Tamara W. Runia: 1st Counselor, Andrea Muñoz Spannaus: 2nd Counselor

A new counselor was also called in the General Young Men's Presidency:

Steven J. Lund: President, Bradley R. Wilcox: First Counselor, Michael T. Nelson: Second Counselor, Ahmad S. Corbitt: Former 1st Counselor, now Seventy



Last October Conference Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught is that Jesus Christ is the Strength of Youth. This April conference he taught us that Jesus Christ is the Strength of who?



What word did Elder David A. Bednar talk about that means remaining fixed or stable and enduring without yielding.



Elder Ahmid S. Corbitt said, "Whatever the bites or poison or struggles we experience in this mortal wilderness, let us not be as those who, anciently and presently, could have been healed but, sadly, “would not look … because they did not believe that it would heal them.”

What old testament story rich with symbolism was he using to teach the principle of how much we need Jesus Christ?

The Brass Serpent

While on assignment at a stake conference with former President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, President Boyd K. Packer, Elder Carl B. Cook was surprised when President Packer called on him to do what?

speak 3 times during the Priesthood session and 3 more times in the adult session (and once in the regular session


Name the locations of 3 of temples announced by President Russel M. Nelson 

  • Retalhuleu, Guatemala

  • Iquitos, Peru

  • Teresina, Brazil

  • Natal, Brazil

  • Tuguegarao City, Philippines

  • Iloilo, Philippines

  • Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Hamburg, Germany

  • Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

  • San Jose, California

  • Bakersfield, California

  • Springfield, Missouri

  • Charlotte, North Carolina

  • Winchester, Virginia

  • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania