Emphasized Entities
Noteable Notes
Numerous Numbers
The letter "C"
Other Other-ings

This word that starts with the letter "P" is what the prophet urged us to be. 

What are Peacemakers?

“Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way. Please listen carefully. ‘If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy’ that we can say about another person — whether to his face or behind her back — that should be our standard of communication.”

Elder Uchtdorf told us we have this for the Strength of Youth for the youth, and we also have this for the Strength of Parents.

What is Jesus Christ?

"Just as Jesus Christ is the strength of youth, Jesus Christ is also the strength of parents."

"He heals the sick, and he can heal relationships. He multiplies bread and fish, and he can multiply the love and the joy in your home.”


How many times Elder Cook spoke total during the stake conference weekend under the training of President Boyd K. Packer.

What is seven times?


The reason Elder and Sister Holland watched church from the comfort of their home. 

What is testing positive for COVID?


This modern-day Alma the Younger, Danny, had been involved and traveled down the path of addiction. Danny changed his life and served an honorable mission. But still asked this upon returning home from his mission.

What is “Do you think I have truly been forgiven?”?

“I said: ‘Danny! Have you looked in the mirror? Have you seen your eyes? They are filled with light, and you are beaming with the Spirit of the Lord. Of course, you have been forgiven!’” 

Danny moved forward with faith, married in the temple, returned to school and continues to serve the Lord. 

“Danny wasn’t lost, and neither are we to the Lord. He stands at the door to lift us, to strengthen us and to forgive us.” 


“In reality, the Book of Mormon shares the greatest ______ story ever told. Let it not be the greatest ______ story never told,” Elder Stevenson added.

What is Easter?


Likely will have the most memes made about it of all of the moments at conference. 

What is how to compact a plastic water bottle?

"I'm confident that President Nelson was not declaring a new recycling based doctrine. But we can learn from the prompt response of President Oaks and President Eyring to President Nelson's example."

"A prophet is someone God has personally prepared, called, corrected, inspired, rebuked, sanctified and sustained. That is why we are never spiritually at risk in following prophetic counsel."


The age you need to be in order to receive your patriarchal blessing. 

What is 8 years old?

"Worthy baptized members may receive their patriarchal blessings when the time is right for them.” There is no maximum age. “Everyone’s spiritual timeline is different.” Elder Yamashita


Elder Renlund spoke of this word when he spoke of the Amazon's "pororoca", a tidal bore that sends powerful tidal waves up the Amazon River, against its natural flow in Brazil. 

What are covenants?

"As you walk the covenant path, from baptism to the temple and throughout life, I promise you power to go against the natural worldly flow — power to learn, power to repent and be sanctified, and power to find hope, comfort and even joy as you face life’s challenges."


The missionary skill required in order to snag Sister Barbara Ballard as President Ballard's wife.

What is the skill of "follow up"?

What is it Elder Randall K. Bennett received that helped him with his anxiety about his parents' pending divorce and said that after receiving it, "everything changed."

What is his Patriarchal Blessing?

“I studied my blessing frequently, often daily, which helped me feel the comforting, guiding influence of the Holy Ghost, who helped reduce my anxiety as I followed His promptings... That focus helped me experience great joy, despite my personal circumstances.”


After the car accident, it took years for Elder Meurs to do this.

What is forgive himself?

"Whether you are carrying the burden of unresolved sin, suffering because of an offense committed against you long ago, or struggling to forgive yourself for an accidental mistake, you have access to the healing, redeeming power of the Savior Jesus Christ."


The current number of members of the church, helped also by the number of convert baptisms which rose 26% from 2022.

What is 17 million?

From President Nelson, he tells us the answer is always this.

Who is Christ?

"Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Learn more about His Atonement, His love, His mercy, His doctrine and His restored gospel of healing and progression. Turn to Him. Follow Him.”


These ten people came all the way from Brazil, Ghana, Taiwan, the Philippines, Mexico and Malaysia to conference in order to do this.

Who are the guest singers for the tabernacle choir?

Sunday conference sessions took place on this religious landmark day. 

What is Palm Sunday?

  • “I express my gratitude for the Savior this Palm Sunday weekend,” Elder Holland said in a tweet. “I hope you will join me in recognizing and appreciating that all sins and sorrows, all disappointment and depression, all temptation and all tears may be put behind us through the divinity, atoning sacrifice and triumphant resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The two examples given by President Nelson of people that "neither defends vigorously and assumes they are right."

Who are President Oaks and President Eyring?

"My two noble counselors are exemplary in the way they express their feelings especially when they may differ. They do so with pure love for each other, neither suggests that he knows best and therefore must rigorously defend his position. Neither evidences the need to compete with the other. Because each is filled with charity, the pure love of Christ, our deliberations can be guided by the Spirit of the Lord."


Elder Christofferson said this word repeated three times in one sentence, "‘Becoming ___ in Christ happens ___ by ___ — we each begin with ourselves."

What is "One"?


“As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to be examples of how to interact with others — especially when we have differences of opinion,” President Nelson said. “One of the easiest ways to identify a true follower of Jesus Christ is how ____________-ly that person treats other people.”

What is compassionate?


The king of this country attended the Sunday afternoon session of conference in Salt Lake City.

Who is the King of Accra Ghana?


The person who said: The Lord's “true disciples build, lift, encourage, persuade and inspire — no matter how difficult the situation,” he said. “True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers. … I urge you to be a peacemaker, now and always.”

Who is President Nelson?

One of the phrases on Sister Ballard's gravestone that President Ballard shared.

What is "what matters most is what lasts longest"?

Bear testimony of Jesus Christ more often. “Bear testimony of what you know and believe and what you feel, not just of what you are thankful for.” Testify of the things that matter most and last the longest.


Three of the locations of the 15 newly announced temples.

What are

  • Retalhuleu, Guatemala
  • Iquitos, Peru
  • Teresina, Brazil
  • Natal, Brazil
  • Tuguegarao City, Philippines
  • Iloilo, Philippines
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • San Jose, California
  • Bakersfield, California
  • Springfield, Missouri
  • Winchester, Virginia
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

The church now has 315 temples announced, under construction, in operation or under renovation.


Two words that start with C mentioned by President Nelson. One is a trait we should possess, and another is the opposite: a trait we should avoid.

What are Charity and it's opposite: Contention?

President Nelson said that even during this era of “polarization and passionate disagreements," charity, the pure love of Christ, is the answer to contention.


Two of the stated examples by President Nelson of who not to judge in the church. 

What are divorced people, missionaries who returned home early, and teens who are doubting their testimony?

"Brothers and sisters, we can literally change the world — one person and one interaction at a time."